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  • [gasp!] I used to sing that song everynight before I went to bed.

    Love you too, Papa Joe.
    Take care and sleep well.
    pshh. He'll agree with you, though I won't. lol.
    He tells me everyday how great I am.... and how lucky he is, but I'm the lucky one.

    I do believe that Dyl will be creating an account here.... but I'm not entirely sure yet. Please, don't throw religion on him, though I know that you're not like that, I'm just saying.
    :( I think about that often Joe. and I pray for them too of course. Have you talked to them recently about that? Even the slightest bit of thought to faith would give us hope, yes?
    Oh? That is what I said about myself. She only wrote 200 pages but handed it out to a few people and they posted it online and she's like you ruined it for me I'm not writing anymore. Therefore, there was NEVER any published copy because it was never finished. It's so sad..I'm upset she took it off her site what she had, it was worth the rea don it's own. I mean it's not lik we don't what;s happening next.
    It is saddening even more for her though. Her creation, and they killed it for her. And she was so excited for this, she was like this is going to be wayy more intriguing than Twilight because you get to understand Edward and like it's not from a Human's point of view and you really understand him from it. And that's true cuz by reading just the first chapter I understood him so much more. She said her pulse beat like crazy while she wrote it.
    That excited.
    Wait! Dude, I just finished explaining that it is no longer being published:|
    I was going to give you the link to the first chapter which was on but I only noticed today while doing so that it has been removed all together :(
    I am sorry to have to put you off again but I have to go to bed soon as I have to be up early tomorrow and I want to be able to do it justice :) Hopefully when I get back from the meal I will be around for longer. I am really sorry again! I am pants at this at the moment...
    Yes it WOULD make me happy!:P

    Yeah I think if I'd want to you to read any of them it would be the complimentary book to twilight which is midnight sun. Though, it seems like I'm an impossible person because that book is no longer being published:(
    The latest is the one we are watching. You might be like "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" But that was just...HORRIBLE! When he ran away I felt relieved and I was like k NOW I can look up.

    And it's a good thing I did occasionally, you know the young boy? the son? He was Meyer's number one choice for Edward. He's like 18 there and I can see from there why she'd like him but I think she loves him alot :P
    You eat supper at your computer? have you seen the movie or read the book, the Count of Monte Cristo (is that right? We're watching it in French)

    =D =D
    Actually, today a though to came to my mind at how everyone is reading them. I'm not implying anything when I say that a lot of the people are reading them these days because it's current and it's big now, because they have looked at the books before and thought "Why would I read that?"
    but now they see others read it and well they're something to like of course but a lot of the people just go omg omg omg Edward is so hot and like...thats it...they odn't have any profound opinions of anything else in the book. point is, I don't want you to get annoyed and read them (...) but I would like it if you did read them.
    Instead though, of reading Twilight first off, maybe you can read
    :( :( DRATS! I went to check the page...and they don't the link anymore! I thought it would be perfect for you to read because it's not "the books everyone is reading so I'll read them too"
    :( Oh! Why did she remove it? *sigh* It was so good!
    It being Midnight Sun. That is the COMPLEMENTARY book to
    :) Don't worry, Papa Joe. I won't jump off a cliff. I was being silly. Thank you for the encouragement. I will be at grandma's house tomorrow, so I probably won't be able to post in the RP.
    No. I don't think so. lol.

    Sorry. I was going to tell you. I just... I'm just being weird.

    So you saw what I said about you too?
    Much to be thankful for. I'm going to go get some work done. Sending blessings your way to be intercepted mid-air by the Grey Eagle!
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