You eat supper at your computer? have you seen the movie or read the book, the Count of Monte Cristo (is that right? We're watching it in French)
=D =D
Actually, today a though to came to my mind at how everyone is reading them. I'm not implying anything when I say that a lot of the people are reading them these days because it's current and it's big now, because they have looked at the books before and thought "Why would I read that?"
but now they see others read it and well they're something to like of course but a lot of the people just go omg omg omg Edward is so hot and like...thats it...they odn't have any profound opinions of anything else in the book. point is, I don't want you to get annoyed and read them (...) but I would like it if you did read them.
Instead though, of reading Twilight first off, maybe you can read
DRATS! I went to check the page...and they don't the link anymore! I thought it would be perfect for you to read because it's not "the books everyone is reading so I'll read them too"
Oh! Why did she remove it? *sigh* It was so good!
It being Midnight Sun. That is the COMPLEMENTARY book to