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  • hahahahhahahaha.
    That reminded me of those Christan Stories that you used to post on here...
    espically that one that had that girl in it. That girl that was in that story. That story that you wrote. That you wrote because you were being funny. Being funny because you like everyone to have bright days. Bright days that makes everyone happy.....

    lol. Normally, though, when I do dream and forget it I'll remember that I forgot it, but recently I haven't been blessed with having any recognizable dreams. Wither they be fully remembered or not. My teacher said that it had something to do with the fact that I haven't been sleeping throughout the whole night. I wake up during the REM cycle of sleep and it's messing my dream state up.

    Just wondering but what was in your deleated post?
    I think that I missed one question on that quiz, but I'm not 100% sure.
    hehe. :D
    I don't have any more news about the family. o.0 My parents basically dropped it and haven't told me anything else.
    Psych is my favorite class. XD I'm still trying to figure out why I haven't had any dreams recently though. It's been a bit blank after I fall asleep, but then again I never sleep too well at night. :/

    I hope all is well.
    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
    I'm in school so I'm not going to be able to type much for now... espically since I think that I have a pop quiz in this class. [gasp] But I'm glad that the miscommunication has now been fixed and clarified.
    Yes! It was a great summary thank you so much Copperfox :D
    It was greatly appreciated. And I too agree that more than one should accompany the queen :)
    Nothing that was posted there had any reference to you. Trust me if it was I would of said something directly to you, not beat around the bush.
    I'm tired of people not believing in me.
    That was a reference to my father. He doesn't think that I'll be able to get into SSM because I don't have much Community Service.
    I'm a little upset that someone would think that I am that shallow and forgetful.
    That was referring to something someone said about me, not you.

    I'm sorry that you took it the wrong way. I really didn't mean it like that.
    I do understand the reasoning behind your latest message, even if I don't like it. It may be the truth for most people, but I'm not really like most people. I go out of my way almost everyday just to check-in on you. I might not message you a lot now, but that is because I'm being crushed by books and the like.
    I am horribly sorry if you thought that I was blowing you off because my messages are getting shorter and they may sound a little snappy [darn the inability to detect tone in text], but that is only because I have been getting on at school when I'm not supposed to and I'll log in as soon as I get home from school, even though I'm supposed to be doing my homework.
    Plus my computer had a Trogen virus in it and my web broser has been randomly turning off, which is why I wasn't able to reply to you earlier.
    I should have explained earlier that is my fault.

    I seriously think though, that I'll still Glove you as much as I do now at this time, as I will in twenty years. I might not be able to talk to you every day, but I'll always care for you and you'll always be my spiritual Grandfather and my Papa Joe.

    Manda misses you too. :/

    I repsonded to your message, but computer problems caused it to be deleated. Forgive me, but I'm not going to respond back tonight.
    Ahh please do. It'll make me feel a bit better... I'm so jumpy at the moment. I even went out of the way to talk to the guy that actually is the one that makes the acceptance lists... XD He's also the softball coach.

    hehe. You're too good of a person to let something like that happen.
    I wasn't able to go to the wake. :/

    ah-ha an RP. I would RP on here, but I'm afraid that I'm never on enough to be able to really get much done on one. Plus I've only partaken in one other RP and it was just a few nights ago with Justin... so I don't know much about them. People have different styles of RP-ing everywhere.

    I went to SSM today. I'm going to be so horribly upset if I don't get accepted. It was so beautiful there. I'm just going to have to come up with some more extra-curricular activities, the admittance guy said that my educational vigor and want to learn was top-noch. Dad said that I had a 50-50 chance. :/
    I haven't been offered a thing yet :) But how could I ever pass such an opportunity to play him? And along side a great spiritual brother? I say bring it! Where do I report?
    lol of course! And thanks again! We now only need ed and then we can start. Hopefully the rest will come too.
    I wish you could see the smile on my face. It's one of thoes priceless moments.
    I hope you have a nice rest.
    oo. By the way, I dropped by Desert Wolf's page, hopeing that I could be the first to comment on his page. Looks like you beat me though. :p

    Thinking about you always.
    Panda. <3
    Don't get too excited to where you want to leave us. I don't think I could bear the excitement for you being able to be with your wives but also my sadness because you departed so soon.

    If you can I'd like you to mention a family in your next prayers. A girl that I played softball with lost her 21 year-old brother two nights ago. I'm planning on going to the wake tonight just to support her, she was a really great softball player and had everyone in stitches all the time. I don't think that I could live without going tonight.

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