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  • As you say....if we were all Saved by God, it would be an impasse, we would therefore become immortal.
    Though in the long run it may be unwise this was the case, but in the short term, it would help people stop killing each other.
    If God wishes it to be, we can do nothing about such things, this also makes us Mortal. We the lowly Man whom was put on Earth by God to live a Mortal life for our sins.
    And as such, God's Grace is that he selects those whom he deem worthy to be healed. Some may say it is complete rot that this is the case, but God judges not every mortal man, woman or child. He helps those when he can.
    I see, religious healing is the best healing, in my opinion. Aside from love, it is the most powerful healing known to Man. If one is truely blessed in the eyes of God, then one has nary a care in the world aside those troubled thoughts of a mortal.
    One can't judge how He shall act, it is left in the hands of Fate wether mortals shall live or die. God has only the best intentions as far as He can reach them, but out of His hands are the chains that bind us to our mortal chains that weigh heavilly upon us.
    Nobody assumed such a thing as to you being angry or tired....but your welcome for the response.
    I am sorry to hear such things of your illness. Did not know you had one, to tell the truth. And why would I think it supernatural?
    In any case, I am deeply sorry for your case.

    I agree. I'm not ready for anything that demanding.

    I tried talking to my mom about this, it didn't go as I planned. She took it off topic fast.

    Thank you for just talking about it. :o It means the world to me.
    Yo Copperfox.
    Long time no see.
    Just a little messge from me to you to show you I still care dude.
    Just to let you know... I talked to Justin about the age difference a little last night.....

    He told me:
    Imagine a field of flowers, one that only you can enjoy, only you can imagine. Now in normal circumbstances this field would be killed off by winter's cold.
    However in _my_ [HIS] field the rememberance of the flowers would remind him of the reasons why he loved it so much. So technically the field would never die out.

    I was touched, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to rush things.

    [I still haven't talked to Dylan about his beliefs.]

    Sorry if I'm seeming a little girlish and what not with the 'guy' thing, but I wouldn't talk to anyone about it, but you.

    Justin is aware. I've adressed him with this issue.

    lol. I loved your comparison. I almost fell out of the chair laughing.

    You know it's funny that you meantioned that you were 27 before you married Mary, because today a girl that I share a class with brought up something about waiting until marriage [which she isn't.] and that she wanted to get married around the age of thirty something, but I said that I was waiting and that I might be married by 27. How ironic.


    [The little g's meaning 'side hugs'. For those that don't know. (: ]
    Thank you so much for your input. Your opinion matters more to me than anyone elses at this point.

    Dylan is somewhat of a Christian, but he isn't a 'Jesus Freak'. By that I mean he wouldn't be the type of person that you would see in a church service every Sunday of every month in the year. I don't believe that he prays every night. He believes [and I know this because me and him stayed up talking about it late, late one night.] in God. He's just not very out with it. [I hope you know what I'm trying to say.]
    He's a generally, typical nice guy.
    If he isn't like I think that he is, then maybe I could help him come to God.

    What you said about Justin is the reason why I am so resentful about him. It takes a lot for me to trust anyone to start off with and then you have to add in the fact that I won't see him every day. I don't know what he's doing. I don't know his intentions.

    Tons of Gugs.
    Aww. :o

    Amanda's a little confused on something.
    Maybe you can put forth your opinion....

    There's two guys that have told me that they like me.
    Justin - Freshman in college. Three years older than I [at least]. Very intelligent. Very sweet. Chosen profession. My mother knows some of his family. Religious.

    Dylan - Different race. Very layed back. No chosen profession. Two years older than I. Very sweet. Plans on going to a community college then transferring to a regular college. I don't know his family. Not so religious.

    I don't know. o.0
    Thanks for letting me know that. A ray of sunshine in my partly cloudy day. :]
    Glove Foreber.
    But of course I am familiar with the knight of LaMancha :). Remnants of a classical education, I suppose :D.
    My weird life OK you asked me way she had a bleedy clothes well she was hanging around in the hospital her brother is a vamiper who doesn't drink or eat blood. Kitty one hand doesn't know that because her family never told her yet untill her next birthday. the bood came from her brother huging her after his work :]
    I think that you need the rest. I am glad to know that you are taking care of yourself as so, instead of trying to push yourself. A wise man once told me that my health is more important than proving myself in sports. I think that this can go the same way in your situation. Your health is much more important than trying to prove yourself in your work.
    Mary's creation is also my wallpaper for the school computer.

    Take care.
    Much Glove always.
    Dearest Copperfox,
    I saw where you weren't feeling well. I am relieved that you feel a little better and I'm praying for you always.
    <3 Panda
    I'm taking a break from TKD right now *sigh* because I need to get use to being back at my college right now I'm walking everywhere and my body is telling me to stop! so I am :[ oh, my mum is doing all right a little up set because I might be moving out of the house and the weather is doing all right :]
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