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  • I hope that the rest of your day is wonderful Papa Joe. As for me, I have to get off so I can get ready to go to my Open House and my brother's also. :/

    Glove always.

    G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G
    Sweet. I'll let Inkling know about it. ^^ Maybe both you and her can help me out. Since you are both wonderful writers. :]

    Papa Joe! hehe. I hope that you're doing well. I got some of my homework done yesturday and I wasn't able to get back on before I had to go to bed. :/ I have a really busy day today with transferring Trey's files and going to my school to do some things, blah blah blah. I couldn't sit it out, unfourtunetly, but I could wake up at the break of dawn to message you before I had to go. :]
    Last night I was pondering a little about writing something with Sophia. I want to look at things through Sophia's eyes and pick things up from where she was walking to go talk to Duncan for the last time. [If that sounds good to you.] (: I wasn't able to write anything down but that's okay.

    Glove foreber.
    :). Am I to take it, then, that you consider my detectives worth following as they pursue the solution to the mystery? The Daughter-of-Eve, by the way, is not autobiographical in the slightest, but thank you, my dear Copperfox, for the compliment. Just keep in mind that "All that glisters is not gold."
    I've already begun contemplating a fanfiction sequel (I will, of course, discuss with bruiser). The ending fits, and I'm /so/ glad you didn't go for the easy solution.
    B-King, I actually write some replies onto my own page PURPOSELY, so that the exchange will make more sense to anyone else who sees it later.
    Great story of Sophia Renee. Everyone here should go read it.

    (CF: I was making the same mistake of typing a message on the window above as reply and they got posted on MY OWN PAGE. If you want to post a message for your friends to read, click on your friend first. They you can post the message ON THEIR PAGE, same window above). I hope that helps.
    Hahahaha, too true. The Hindu-one could also include praying to all of the gazillion deities in their pantheon until the bulb got bored and screwed itself in. ;)
    My dear Valjean: I had all ready posted a comment before I saw your message (which was a pleasant surprise). As you can see, though I've been silent, I've indeed been following your story :). Sleep well and pleasant dreams.
    I'm departing for bed now, as I am sure that you already have done also. I hope that you have a plesant night's sleep. I'm also gifting you with a good morning because I am going to try to get my homework done before I have a chance to get distracted, that way I don't have to rush through it the day before school starts.

    Hoping you're still looking:

    Now that my Russian thread is in action, I recommend that you do NOT post anything on it yourself, since we don't want to act as if this thread is a specially personal thing between you and me in particular. If you have questions ABOUT that new thread, ask me by other channels.
    You didn't say anything about this post: Well, your meaning was clear, crystal clear.
    I do believe that that would help explain things in the future. You know without him wanting to yell at me that bad.

    I know a little Spanish, like really little. [ha. I don't know what to think about Obama. He's quite a character. I'm going to be Independent, I may not be able to vote in the Pre-lims but it'll fit me better.]

    SAMYETZ wouldn't be acceptable for every male being though, would it? Same with SAMKA, right? Or would they be used with every male or female being? Like would you be able to say - "СОБАКА-МУЖСКОЙ" for a male hound or no?

    [Off topic: You know that Barack Obama is muslim right? Well what if he wanted to become buddist? Would his name have to be changed into Llama Obama?] haha. That was horrible wasn't it? I should stop trying to tell jokes. :P
    Do you want me to re-post this on the other thread?

    I do spend more time on other's pages than my own. haha.
    Amanda, you don't look at YOUR OWN page enough. I answered you THERE. No, I'm not at all upset at you for not wanting to stoke up the flames of a hot paternal temper.
    Yeah; that's my dad. [rubs back of her neck, throws on a crooked smile, and blushes]
    You never did answer my post below. If you didn't see it or what I don't know, just thought I'd let you know.
    You're not upset at me being so... I don't have a good word for it......... afraid, are you?
    Well, your meaning was clear, crystal clear.
    I do believe that that would help explain things in the future. You know without him wanting to yell at me that bad.

    I know a little Spanish, like really little. [ha. I don't know what to think about Obama. He's quite a character. I'm going to be Independent, I may not be able to vote in the Pre-lims but it'll fit me better.]

    SAMYETZ wouldn't be acceptable for every male being though, would it? Same with SAMKA, right? Or would they be used with every male or female being? Like would you be able to say - "СОБАКА-МУЖСКОЙ" for a male hound or no?

    [Off topic: You know that Barack Obama is muslim right? Well what if he wanted to become buddist? Would his name have to be changed into Llama Obama?] haha. That was horrible wasn't it? I should stop trying to tell jokes. :P
    Yes, I was purposely elongating the meaning of that perfective verb to make it exhaustively clear. AS FOR YOUR FATHER: how about this? How about if I put future language tips on a "public" thread in the "International" section? Then it will be absolutely true to say that there was language teaching which was NOT addressed individually to you, and you looked at it.

    If you have ever studied any Spanish (and after all, Barack Obama _demands_ that ALL United States children be taught Spanish), it will interest you to know that Russian grammar has some features in common with Spanish and other Latin-based languages. For instance, as in Spanish and French, Russian gives meaninglessly arbitrary genders to non-living objects: you know, a rock is a man, a car is a woman, a shovel is a man, a coffeepot is a woman, that sort of thing.

    But in the case of Russian, somebody on the committee that made up this language tried at least somewhat to remedy a part of the confusion. Species of animals, as named in Russian, are also given arbitrary genders, with complete disregard of each species having males _and_ females in its midst. But as a remedy, add-on labels were devised to specify the sex when one individual animal was referred to. For instance, the Russian word for a rabbit is "KROLIK," a noun that is masculine in form; but when specifying individual rabbits, you can say "KROLIK-SAMYETZ" for a buck rabbit and "KROLIK-SAMKA" for a doe rabbit.
    I'll say something when I know that they won't kill me or force me to end communication. If I wasn't terrified of my father and his reactions I would have already said something.

    Russian and English would have some of the same sounds and meanings because they came from the same background. That's why they both sound gutteral and rough unlike the romance languages like french or italian. [I payed some attention in World History.] XD
    Before I had even gotten around to reading the whole thing I was wondering if you could add the past and present verbs together like: Ya postroyu dom. This isn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Though I take it that the past, present, and future verb add-ons are going to be different depending on what verb you're using.
    Ya postroil dom means [I got the whole job of building the house done, I built the house completely and was finished with it.] all of that? That's just an enlongated way of saying 'I finished building the house completely', right? [I hope so.]
    Thanks Papa Joe.
    Are you sure you want to do this?
    Are you kidding? Of course I want to. If I didn't I wouldn't of bothered with asking. :]
    I've already started taking notes from what you've wrote so far. XD
    I think that I am seriously getting this. The only thing that may bug me is the chance that I might not be pronouncing the words right, but that is bearable. Espically with your help, I'm sure I'll get it right.
    About the verbs, if you only have one verb in a sentence to know if it was complete or incomplete would be to see how it is used, right?

    I think that it is ZDOROVO that you're doing this for me. <3
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