Defender of Aslan

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  • Of course, I don't mind- I have alot to do too.:D
    Caspian: Like watching us.
    Dorthy: That is rather hard to do, isn't it?
    Caspian: We've been to leniant lately.
    Dorthy: Indeed.
    Mozart: Here. *hands Defender of Aslan an umbrella* You'll need that if you ever go into the Insane Asylum, or dufferland in general.

    ^^ My cats.:p

    I rather wish I knew the answer to that little, em, blessing? hmm....
    And may Aslan watch you from the starry night sky and guard your heart in mind in all that you do. :D

    Aww thank you! I pray the same for you. :) If you like this site and the people here you may also like They are also wonderful people. Some of the people here are also over there. My username on that forum is AslanIsOnTheMove if you decide to check it out.
    Just saw your comment about the thumbs up on your post, when you go to the 'post reply' option (instead of the quick response), there should be a line of smiles on the top (the ones on the side are for your text) there are little option slots you can check and uncheck. But don't worry most people don't even look at that. I was confused at first, myself :p
    Hey! Saw your reply to Narniamoondust's prayer request. Welcome to the forum! Nice to meet you :D *Hug*
    Ok. great! and thank you. I hope to see you around the forums. If you any questions, don't hesitate to ask. In His Love.
    Welcome to the forum! I enjoyed your introduction. I hope you have fun here. I know how you feel, because I felt the same when I first read the entire Chronicles. And guess what? every time I read it, it feels as fresh as the first time. It's wonderful. I think that only those of us who have read it understand what we say and mean when we yell "For Narnia and For Aslan!!" It's an awesome feeling.

    Next step, for a truly rounded experience on how Lewis was able to explain our Lord in a way nobody else has, you should read "Mere Christianity" and "Surprised by Joy." When you have done so, let me know what you think. Blessings.
    Appropriately, God made sure that His Word was part of comforting me each time. In Mary's passing, Matthew 11:6 was prominent; in Janalee's passing, Isaiah 43:1.

    If radiation from Japan doesn't send us all to meet the Lord, I'll try and make time to write a welcome sonnet for you.
    Thanks for the good wishes. Aslan has in fact warmed me in two EXTREMELY dark hours: the deaths of my two successive wives.
    :) I joined about a year ago, and I love this place so much!

    How long did you know about this site before you joined?
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