Defender of Aslan

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  • *Pssst!* *SoA motions over to him* To respond to a post on your wall, you must click the 'View conversation' link at the bottom of that post and type into that box. otherwise you are posting to your own wall instead of replying. oh, and I'm not spying I promise....:D
    Thank you Susan, as for my favorite movie? I do't know if I can even pick a "favorite" movie anymore, there are to many I have fallen in love with over the years. Each for its own unique reason or what I took away from it or learned from it.

    It doesn't really answer you question I am sorry perhaps I can do better in the future.
    Greetings from The Sonneteer! And if you don't know what I mean by that, go to Professor's Writing Club and look for a thread called "Sonnets Here, In-House."
    HI! welcome to the Forums!!!! Hope you enjoy it here!!!
    btw, whats your fave movie? mines lotr;)
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