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  • Hi.
    Do you think you could edit your first post by adding the storyline from page 2? You just have to copy and paste it.

    I think that would be great in case we get new people, that way they can see what kind of characters they have to create, as well as how the story line goes.
    This is my post from (bottom of page 3). Do you agree with this? Please change things or make up things according to whatever you like. This is your RP. I am only giving ideas, ok?

    "I made it up in my previous post that Arcturus may be traveling to faraway kingdom by the coast (Kingdom By The Sea).
    Do you all agree to travel there? to a city by the sea? Something like traveling from Cair Paravel from different parts of Narnia. So our characters will be traveling there from different parts of their world.
    Would you like that? and if you do, can someone give a name to the Kingdom and the city we are all being called to. Since everyone is preparing to leave their homes, I think we need to know where we are going.
    Destiny should pick the names since this is her RP. Is that ok?
    Hey, come to the Elements RPG and tell me what you think of my idea. If you like it we can get started.
    If you decide we can get started, maybe you can PM the other's to let them know. Thanks.
    Ok. I doubt I'll be on then but I'll get to it Monday if not sooner. Thanks for letting me help. I'll try my hardest. ANd I'll send you some through the mail if you want.
    Im sending the letter today
    and honestly I am glad that you don't have the same problem because sure I like him but I don't know if he likes me
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