ESA Warrior
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  • Well said. Yes, Pullman was FISHING for anything he could disapprove of. In the end, he still was forced to make up lies. For instance, in his article, he claimed that Susan was cruelly "turned away" from the Stable in "Last Battle"--which simply DIDN'T happen in the book. HE MADE IT UP.
    Lewis repented. Pullman hasn't. And even WHILE Lewis was an unbeliever, he didn't viciously slander people FOR being Christians. Pullman, in that article I mentioned, MADE UP accusations of Lewis being a racist.
    I've said enough. Pullman HATES God, and did not have ANY motive in ANYTHING in his stories that WASN'T about hating God. Actually, I've been trying to find the critique I once wrote about Pullman's Narnia-bashing article. My treacherous internet provider, CenturyLink, deleted a lot of my e-mail files.
    Thanks for the prayer-topic response. I kept that woman's highschool yearbooks which were on the trash heap, in the wistful hope of someday finding her and returning them to her.
    How many cats have I had? Too many to count.:p My parents and I used to breed bengal cats and so we got LOTS of kittens. Before that though I had had a litter of four kittens born at my house by my cat Cherry and one older cat named Missy. before THAT I had a cat called Ribbony (later given the title "Big" Ribbony as I named one of Cherry's kittens Ribbony) and before that we had a bunch of tamed strays living at our house- including Missy. Currently we have 4 inside bengal cats and 13 outside cats.:D
    I also have a cat called Pumpkin. She has got to be one of the prettiest, sweetest and loudest cats ever.:rolleyes::D
    By the way, I've never heard of Final Cut Express, so no I don't use it. I usually use the editing software that came with my camera and Windows Live Movie Maker.
    It's no problem. Since I have almost no friends here (comes of being new) and I liked what you said on the discussion about alcohol, I thought you'd be a good addition to the list. I found it very refreshing how honest and unbiased you addressed the issue.
    Sorry I didn't get back sooner- I've been busy.

    My parents wouldn't let me read them because of Starclan. I was seven or eight when I first found the books and my parents (my dad read the first one) being Christians didn't want me getting mixed up with the cat's "religion". Now though about six or seven years later I just got Midnight from the New Prophecy series from my library and have commenced reading it.:D (hey better late then never!;))
    Ah yes and I've gotten some very good cat names from those books too: Mistyfoot, Brightheart, Silverstream, Fireheart... and I'm sure there are others. I've only read the first series and Bluestar's Prophecy and one of the Power of Three books though because for a long time my parents wouldn't let me read the rest of them. Apprently I'm allowed to read them now though because my mom let me order two of the New Prophecy books from the library a few days ago. Oh and I've read some of the manga things. lol
    It sometimes helps if you think about the sound the word makes when spoken. In this case, for instance, you would notice that in "definitely" there is a vowel sound in between the N and the T, while in "defiantly" there is not.
    Defiantly? You mean definitely! And the game is to impress bits of the Bible on the readers' minds, so that the Bible as a whole will become less intimidating to tackle.
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