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  • You realize you answered me on your own profile; shall we dance out the whole dance on just this profile?

    While you're deciding on that, I lift you off the floor and whirl you around widely.
    We start with medium-tempo ballroom dancing, not so fast that I can't give you some twirls under my arm.
    In that case, while waiting to see if anyone posts things of interest to either of us---would you care to imagine dancing with me?
    As introduced, Wiliam Twyti is less than thirty years old. Although lifespans were shorter then, it is not at all impossible for him to live to sixty or so. What I was waiting for was YOUR preference. If my sweet pretty dear Hannah wants him to live to old age, live he shall! ( * Kisses other side of her forehead as reassurance * )
    There's no reason why your Papa William Twyti _can't_ still be alive when you're an adult. But I was considering having him fight in the infantry of Arthur's army when Arthur has to fight to claim his throne (because some lords rejected the sign of the Sword in the Stone); and he _could_ be killed. Here are the two reasons why I was thinking of having him die:

    1) It allows a good guy to die, shaking us out of the kids'-comicbook feeling that good guys can't get killed.

    2) You were so eager to be a disguised female knight, I figured you might like the grown Melona to be on her own, supporting herself as her Papa taught her to do.
    You don't have to be ashamed as if you had offended me on purpose! * Hugs long and firmly *
    "No you didn't" what? (* Kisses her forehead again to calm her down so she'll be ready to make it clear *)
    You said "Don't get;" I assume you mean "Don't FOR-get." You, young sweetheart, are UNforgettable. I was just eating supper with my parents.
    ...see..i don't like this seeing no commenting thing.

    now if I hadn't asked.
    or told you

    i would have never known you saw it.

    but thanks anyway
    You called Chilena's birth father Jack Jakekens. I never did figure out what nationality that last name is.
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