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  • Sweets, here's a free sample of an EASY way to make your language fit better in a medieval setting. Any place where you would normally say "Yay," say "Hurrah" instead.
    lol.. alrite:p.. I well be her! I guess siisie:)
    If you want this girl to be still young during the main story action, she needs to be NO older than maybe six at the time the boy Arthur claims the Sword in the Stone. If that suits you, I'll write a post immediately which depicts Melona as Twyti's daughter, present with him at Ector's castle. Her mother will be dead, which contributes to Melona's tomboyism.
    One key word for Gawain is "impulsive." Most of his worst deeds were not done with evil advance planning, but in a fit of unplanned rage.

    As for Melona, how about making her a huntress? A daughter of the huntsman William Twyti who appears in the Arthur-as-a-boy time period? William would have taught her to shoot and stalk, and that is a role WITHIN realistic female ability.
    Unless "Melon" (maybe "Melanie"?) is in the top 5 percent of all females, she would not last long fighting while carrying the weight of wearing armor; she would simply fall down with exhaustion. You can SAY she's one of the exceptionally strong females--of course there are SOME, and Joan of Arc was one--but biologically there's no way Melanie (?) will ever come even close to, say, Gawain in armored fighting ability. There's a reason why Mr. Lewis made Susan an archer.
    No, that's no alright because women never did that in that period of time. That will be putting the legend into something that it is not. Women of that periods never did that. They did however found other ways to deceive people, but not as a knight. I gtg now. Well talk about it later.
    Ok, but right now everyone is a kid until Arthur draws the sword from the stone and becomes king. After that, we'll fast forward to everyone being adult.
    If you play as Gawain, he needs to be really rough-edged. He did things in his career which in our day would put him in an orange coverall and bring him a lethal injection.
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