Gentle Voice
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  • Actually, I was just getting on to post the next installment for my story. So, I have to get off and work in RL now. :(

    Kim can be "in" the next day; but as Alipang, I have to stick with the Monday-night events Confessor has been setting up--events in which Alipang MUST play a part.
    Yes, honey? You must have seen Alipang's words to you; everyone in the family can be considered to be all reconciled and happy and mutually loving--just as Alipang is possibly about to face danger trying to get his friend Jason OUT of trouble.
    Wait just a little bit longer; it still is possible that Dayhawk will post something which affects Alipang. Speaking of Alipang, isn't Chilena interested in knowing whether HE knew about the rapists? Answer: he did.

    If nothing new is going on when you're close to logging off, go ahead and write a Tuesday-morning post.
    could you put something like "My hero" or... well, it sounds lame, hahaha, but she truly is :D *sighs* I remember I wanted to look so much like her... I just had my hair all long, and dressed like her... haha, it was crazyness, heehee, now I'm just myself, but i still adore her, haha.
    Whatcha doing, sissie?
    Are you familiar with the expression "character modding"? That's when you take over the actions of someone else's character. Often this is agreed upon, and helps things. But you have just done a LARGE piece of character modding in claiming that Dr. Havens has "run off" numerous boys from your character. That is TELLING ME that my parental character is a bossy father. That was MY call to make.

    Which do you prefer?

    -- You delete Chilena's words accusing Dr. Havens of running boys off? Or--

    -- I have Dr. Havens reply to Chilena that two of the boys he "ran off" previously, were later proven to be VERY different from the nice guys they had pretended to be?
    im a girl! not a it:p lol... btw whats up??:D:D:)
    Since you've been on the thread longer than me, do you know if there are any guys Kaitlyn could hook up with?
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