Gentle Voice
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  • aww. :D i love going out to eat :D
    i just ate ice cream, haha, i still have to eat dinner though... xP
    i love ice cream :)
    The Homeschooler RP probably needs to be moving beyond school hours of the first Monday. Perhaps you could write that, along with being happy about her new boyfriend, Chilena is glad to notice that something has her foster-brother happy also. There are likely to be rumors flying that Alipang beat up two boys on his first day in school; the reality is that he had cause to get a bit physical with black bully "Leopard Man" and later with white bully Gary Sunderland.
    oh man, i have to go, ill be back in a half hour - i promise!
    sooo sorry :( i feel so bad. gaah!!
    Then I pray for you RIGHT NOW:

    Dear God, remember that my make-believe niece is Your actual daughter in spirit. Please put Your love to work in Hannah's life; rescue and protect her from every kind of evil or harm, comfort her and encourage her; give her cause to rejoice in Your presence. In Jesus' name, amen.
    You have GOT TO start reading posts!!!!! Not long ago, I said very clearly that Alipang SPEAKS English very well; it's WRITING that's hard for him. Now fix that!!
    Well, your character's actual mother could be:

    -- Dead.

    -- In prison.

    -- Back in the Phhilippines for some reason.

    -- Working at a high-class job, such as in a medical research center, which takes all her time, but she knew and trusted the Havens to take good care of Chilena.

    -- Widowed once, and now married to a man who doesn't get along well with Chilena. could be Chilena who caused trouble sometime back and Eric and Cecilia Havens for some reason were better able to handle her.
    hahah. let's say about a week after dan asks her out? im guessing it'll be soon though, maybe like a week or two (rpg time)
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