Gentle Voice
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  • I know I'm a bit late, but ...

    If he's able to talk with you already, the concussion must not have been a terribly severe one.
    Hi, sweets! Half of anything is fifty percent, and three quarters of anything is seventy-five percent.
    Good morning! The next time we speak by phone, I would like to explain to you how angles and degrees are used as measurements for shapes.
    Ahhh, noooo, I'm so sorry Hannah!!! I logged off before I saw your post. :eek: But I'll make you a New Years banner if you still want one! ;)
    You're on! Merry Christmas! I got home in time to go to the post office, and so I got to see your VERY cute birthday card for me! Thank you; I love it that you drew me in my fox form.
    Yes love. I went to California. Benisse picked me up from the Airport and I spent Thanksgiving with her and her family. I also got to meet Barbarian King. He drove us around. And he brought me to to the Airport. I'm glad I met them. Wouldn't have missed this for anything in the world!
    Yes! You should have been there if it were possible. I would love to meet you too!!!
    AWESOME! That sounds like a bunch of fun! well yes I am going to get off here for now... but I will be on sometime... if you want to... or if you have one... I have a facebook! lol
    Well every really... lol I have been doing school, church, 4-H, school! lol What about you???
    We're getting fresh snow between Illinois and Colorado. Please pray that I'll be safe when I drive west.
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