Gentle Voice
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  • Here ya go:
    The last time Josiah and Melody were seen in "College":

    It was the afternoon of Sunday, February 15, thus the day after this year's Valentine's Day. Ranjit Karkal, whose family had temporarily lived with the Redferns, telephoned Josiah to ask his opinion about something.

    Lowell Sanders, the anti-Christian professor, wanted to have a church wedding with the woman he loves, even though he and the woman Lolita are NOT Christians. Ranjit believes that it would be possible to run the wedding in such a way that Jesus is honored by the minister even though the bride and groom don't follow him. Josiah decided he agreed with Ranjit; but if you want, you could say that Melody asks Josiah about this--asks if God will be pleased by a wedding like that.
    My pictures with Lady Callandra were on Page 77 of Share A Pic 3; but it looks like she has removed them.
    hugs to dearest Leena...

    I'm sorry for not contact you for so long...
    I miss you too and I'm here now..

    So, howya, sist??
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