Gentle Voice
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  • Yep! She's great! She was my second friend on TDL and the first person I considered my TDL sister even if I don't think I ever call her that.
    I love to draw it's so much fun.
    OK. That works. She may not look the right age. I'm not good at predicting how old my charecters will turn out.
    So to recap:
    You want a girl, about 15 years old, who has black hair and blue eyes. She i wearing a black jacket and black ballet shoes with loop earrings and black and yellow gloves. She is holding a creature that has ring like markings on it.

    Correct? What colors do you want the creature?
    What do you want your anime person to be wearing? Any examples?
    EDIT: Also do you want the same markings on the creature that were on the pic you gave me?
    Fantastic!! I bet you're pretty pumped, huh? Any summer plans? I still have summer school.....gawr. I'm also going to Hawaii though, so no complaints. ;)
    I saw the time-skipping post. But I did not make anything specific, because I was not sure what you had in mind with your last post. You seemed to be saying that Josiah would be at college classes ON SATURDAY.
    I answered you in "College." Once I log off, I probably won't be able to post again until Sunday night, because of the festival I'm in.
    Please don't make Melona stay mad at Aglovale, because he IS right about the rules he has to follow.
    WHY cannot Josiah have ONE DAY to enjoy being married to Melody WITHOUT her suffering the discomforts of pregnancy?
    We can move our characters to Monday also--just assume that there were NOT any more medical emergencies on Sunday night. But remember, Josiah will be at work. Melody's company will consist of Tiffany and the daytime housekeeper Maria.
    For the Redferns, it's Sunday night, November 2nd of 2008. Only the police characters have moved on to Monday.
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