Gentle Voice
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  • WAH! I'm confuddleded!:p
    I thought you came and asked how i was doing, and i said GREAT!
    You! You're great too! :eek:
    *runs to profile to check*
    Well, sweetheart, I just saw what you think is fixing the situation. But stop and think about how Josiah joked, and how Zach joked.

    Josiah's joke included the idea of his and Melody's two sons getting in a fight. He would not really expect that ever to happen, so it was OBVIOUS that Josiah was only kidding, NOT putting ANY real pressure on Mac. But when Zach said what he said about the development-age of the twins, he was in the middle of a conversation where he was talking as a doctor; so it was NOT obvious to Tiffany that he was joking.

    Even so, Tiffany DID apologize to Zach for misunderstanding him. But Mac, who has LESS excuse to get mad at Josiah's joke, is allowed to yell against Josiah...and I still DON'T see Melody saying one word in defense of her husband.

    If you and I were married in real life, would you let it pass when people insulted me, while being careful to defend some cousin of yours?
    I know that it was Mac who slammed Josiah unfairly; but Melody, while she DOES defend Zach against any criticism for badly-chosen jokes, she DOES NOT say one word in HER OWN HUSBAND'S defense. Josiah would not side WITH someone bad-mouthing Melody! If Melody WILL defend her cousin but WON'T defend her husband, then it's the same as AGREEING with Mac's unfair complaint.
    * HUGS *

    I'm glad you're not mad at me. Since you're not mad at me, the next time you're in the mood to post in "College," how about having Melody DEFEND her own husband, instead of siding with Mac's totally unfair complaint AGAINST Josiah?
    Sweets, for almost the entire time I've been in the College roleplay with you, it has been a definite "fact" that Melody's situation was caused by the crime that was committed against her at a specific time. Everything about Melody and Josiah has been affected by that "history." Zach is going to have to give an explanation--as you will see in what I posted as Tiffany.
    Well, if you can find SOME way that I can communicate with Dezi, I'll be glad to bear witness that you are NOT romantically involved with the young dweeb.
    That's no problem. When I send the letter to you, I'll send a second envelope with it, in which you can re-send the letter to Pennsylvania. That way it will reach your friend without my ever seeing your friend's address.

    So is Dezi the girl in so many photos with you?
    If I write a letter on paper to your friend, and physically send it to you, can you get her to look at it?
    If I can have a way to contact that friend of yours, I can tell her truthfully that you have openly told me about times you felt a romantic interest, and that Shadow is NOT one of your times.
    I can tell you this at least: nothing Shadow said in his message to me sounded as if he were claiming to be dating you. It all sounded as if he were only thinking about stuff in the roleplays.
    I e-mailed you about that already, sweets. And unless you're madly in love with that boy, I don't think you need to give him another thought at all, except to pray for his salvation.
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