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  • I asked you to wait. Couldn't you even give Zach time to have his consultations and prepare?
    Okay, then, let's make sure that Zach plays a part in _preventing_ Melody from _losing_ her ability to have another baby. This would also help Tiffany to decide she really loves Zach!
    Okay, then, during November (the November in the roleplay) Melody can have her emergency, but with a happy ending. However, if you insist on doing this, it might be logical to say that Melody's body is damaged in some way so that she'll never be able to have any other babies--meaning no babies of which Josiah would be the physical father.
    Hannah dear, if you can just be patient through the current RP weekend, I will agree to Melody's giving birth after the next time-jump that is more than one day. That is PROVIDED you agree NOT to let either baby die.
    Melody and Josiah have only known each other for two months maximum. If Melody is at seven months now, she was at five months when they met; and with TWINS, there is no way he would not have noticed she was pregnant they day they met.

    But I feel sure Oxford Girl will make another time-jump soon; so it won't be long before you can have Melody give birth prematurely, but the doctors be able to save the lives of the twins.
    If Melody were as much as seven months along now, it would ERASE everything that happened between her and Josiah at the start, because everything we played between them was based on his NOT yet being able to see that she was pregnant. But she'll be at six months before Christmastime, and then we can say that the twins are born prematurely but they survive.

    Remember, YOU'RE the one who wanted Melody to be pregnant.
    We could fill in the time while we're waiting by going back to Tiffany and Zach, who are still at Kimmy's party.
    For Leslie and Tanya, it's now Saturday afternoon. For the police characters, it's about 5:30 a.m. on Saturday. For everyone else, it still is Halloween, Friday; in fact, it is not even nighttime yet for Lenny and Sam.
    I think Tess would rather you didn't go on to Saturday just yet, because Tess' character Sam is still on Friday.
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