Gentle Voice
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  • Powl had me proofreading her story for awhile; but I have now caught up with Melody and Josiah.
    I doln't blame you for feeling poorly, with an unfaithful boyfriend on top of your physical challenges. If you can post once more, please say something about what this party is like.
    Unfortunately, many boys of your generation have been taught--by what they see in movies and on TV--that they are allowed to go through girls like sampling appetizers from a buffet table. As for his not telling you himself, he may just be cowardly as well as selfish.

    * Hugging you again *
    You mean what to do about not having a boyfriend? This may not be a pleasant thing to hear, but you may just have to do without one for some time. When I was college age, most girls wouldn't even think of dating me, because I wasn't the tall, studly jock they were looking for. I was frustrated for years.

    Both of the wives God gave to me and took from me were women with whom I had been friends first. With Mary first, and later with Janalee, I began with no idea of any romantic relationship. I think that it will be the same for you as it was for me: if God plans to let you enjoy romance, it will be with a man you did NOT originally see as a possible boyfriend, a man who at first was only a pal who shared some interests with you.
    I have posted an entry in the College RP, about Melody and Mac in the hospital room. It is nothing that you need to write a direct reply to, but it reminds the reader about those characters.
    Did you notice that I remembered the name of Melona's garment maker? Tonight Melona gets to be medieval Britain's first fashion model!
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