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  • I have to spend some time at my online job translating articles from Russian into English. This is a short peek. Anyway, Josiah IS asleep now.
    I will soon be gone for a long time. If the new day begins, perhaps you could say that Melody meets MJ's character Lenny, because Lenny assisted Josiah bringing you to the dorm the first night.
    Yeah. The next time we write a scene of Josiah and Melody together, maybe we shouldn't even say WHAT they do physically at the time, ONLY give the words they say to each other.

    I saw your "such a liar" post. Does this mean Melody IS pregnant? If so, DON'T let her abort it, no matter what! Josiah can handle it!
    We'll just have to try to quiet down _everything_ between the two characters. It seems that someone _does_ want it to be a place for ten-year-olds after all.
    And I answered. Melody now has another chance to prove that she actually DOES know the difference between her boyfriend and a rapist.
    Now that you've tossed still ANOTHER complication into Josiah and Melody's life--Melody being blamed for Alex's accident--please, YOU make up the reason, don't suddenly ask me to make it up.
    In case you look here sooner than on I.O.W., here's what I said to you in a PM there:

    I said it was an E-MAIL that Frasquita sent that second time, therefore you couldn't see it TO answer it until you got back to your dorm. But if you want to see more of Josiah, you could do what you've already done more than once: phone him the same night and ask to see him again.
    Sweets, sometimes there is no substitute for ACTUALLY READING what has been posted before. But it's okay, your dinner date with Josiah has ended with nothing bad happening, so you can take your time getting caught up.
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