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  • I'm gonna guess you like metal music?

    Yeah..I'm a huge Tolkien fan myself...guess my username kinda gave that away huh? lol
    That looks impressive :D I have all the same as you have. My collection is huge :eek: But you are having a very impressive collection yourself as I can tell :D
    Just one year...

    During which I have to improve at college, at writing... and hoping to be in more concerts. I have already strengthened the bonds with my friends, though I need to do the same with recent ones, keep the faithful ones (which I know I will) and ehm... well, along with my family and God (and my little brother Cesar Bebe), it is going to be an interesting travel.

    Nemrod... you have not answered in... eons!
    Heehee, some spells are hard to let go :p
    solo una linda bufandita rosa xD es mi color preferido junto con el negro. Mmm... no me falta mucho, empece el miercoles y la segui desde el viernes. La quiero terminar antes que el lunes, luego tmo fotos, jejeje.
    FYI, it's Zuko, with ONE K. And you know that scene at the end of season 2 when Aang gets shot? Yeah, that's the one I was talking about.
    A title for your story concept could be "Planetsouls." In preparation for writing, you need to read some of the existing end-of-everything stories, like Arthur Clarke's novel "Childhood's End." And yes, let at least one more world have life--maybe a moon of Jupiter or Saturn.
    hiya, I've finally managed to answer your question on my A:TLA thread! I totally forgot about it. I think the most shocking scene is when Aang gets shot by Azula's lightning, and that is not a pun. ;)
    Yes, I do. And the two strongest of the swords I own were made by an independent manufacturer called Badger Blades. They circulate among Renaissance festivals; I bought my swords from them in Maryland during Janalee's lifetime, and now they're at the Colorado festival I work for.
    ESW is EveningStar Writer, a chief mod on our forum aka John Burkitt author of Bow. :) And he wrote a lot of other great stuff. New high techy cool website being unveiled ---www.byrononwells.org. Oh, and he happens to be my love and my soulmate <3 So I am a BIT prejudiced.
    oye, no se si pueda llamarte hoy, es que tengo que salir mas temprano de lo que pensaba, perdon :( pero.. SÍ puedo llamarte mañana, no? ^^
    Por haber llamado a Nate, tengo menos minutos para hablar, pero son suficientes, creo. :)
    TA y me encanta q me lo demuestres.
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