Thanks for your greeting in a thread (sorry for the thread's creator for being OOT)
But, it's nice to back in place where someone notice you to be here.
A pox upon all sans-serif type fonts! The "Susan" in that username is followed not by two lower-case L's, nor by two number-ones, but by two upper-case I's. Roman numeral style. That worked for me in sending her a PM. And thank you for the good wishes for my parents. Dad is expected to be released from his latest hospitalization tomorrow.
I liked AZ when I visited but it was a little to hot for my taste. I prefer colder places. Not to cold, but colder. And I don't think I could handle not having much snow.
Hmm... Well I love Michigan. I might want to live there. I've never been to Montana but that seems like a really nice place. Kentucky is also really nice and Tennessee would be great if it wasn't such a tourist spot. I REALLY enjoyed visiting Chicago but I think it would drive me crazy to live there... So all in all I'm not really sure.
Aw, I am sorry. That's really difficult. When I was 22, my best friend died, a girl I had grown up with from when we were toddlers ... it was horrible! I hope the separation you're feeling is not so permanent.