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  • haha, the moment they are. But you never know where a relationship can go the next moment. I'm just holding my breath, and trying to enjoy the good times. How are you darlin?
    Hey Kells!
    How are you doing, lately?

    You know how me and Ash used to pick on Skandy because he was so white :)p) well, I was extremely bored so I got on youtube and was watching random Narnia interviews, and I found this: Go to 1:20. Will says "He (talking about Skandar) is one of the whitest, palest people" :cool: I wish we still had the awesome S vs P battles . . . that would have been great ammo! :D
    Awwwww. . . he sounds awesome! Very elegable crush material. ^_^ Off limits people seem to have an attraction of their own. For me, anyway... LOL

    Okay! I should go (be a good little girl...ugh. LOL) and finish some school work anyway... ttyl! :D
    LOL! I just started. . . don't worry, though, the rocket building will come soon! :p

    *hands lots of cookies and icecream to make later sooner*
    Oooh, I know what you mean... I've been trying to fool myself into thinking school is fun time, but. . . yeah. No subsitue for TDL. LOL
    *juciy gossiper expression* Is he cute? And nice? And all those cute crush material things? *cough* Sorry, ignore me. :rolleyes:
    Naa-ting much! Just the usual GIMPing and school and such! Oh, and I recently started studing physics, which is threatening to become my favourite subject. YAY! Doing equations put me in a good mood. :D
    Or not. LOL! :p
    How are you and every-ting? :D
    well i kno they wont leave me, and i wont leave them, and im extremely weird as u kno, and they are to so, perfect group match
    well im just glad im almost 1/2 done, and dont worry, all my friends are the outcasts of the school, so we are awesome, no one is normal! noones a dork they r just cool!
    we hav to write about how any character changes through out the book, im doing Walter, im got the first 2 pghs done i just got 3 more!!! yayz!!
    yeah its called "A Raisin in the Sun" by. Lorainne Hansberry its more of a play, but it was quite good.
    its an essay about a book, talkn bout the characters, its so boring, i need lik 10 sentances per pgh, and i only can think of 4!
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