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  • lol, I can't wait for Christmas break so that TDL can become normal (that is a crazy, hilarious, insane kind of normal :p) again.

    Really, most of Dufferland is a ghost town...:( That'll change over Christmas, though! :D
    Busy, as usual. I'm still in high school, but I can't imagine how busy I'll be when I go to college! I'm so looking forward to Christmas break!
    Yes, it seems most people on TDL get insanely busy after summer...

    I'm pretty good, mostly I've done nothing but study & other boring school stuff. :)rolleyes::p) I'm proud to say that I thwarted all attempts to marry me off! :p:D
    I haven't seen you on in a LONG time--then again, I haven't been on much either, so maybe we're just never on at the same time anymore...How's it goin'? :p:D
    yep, I do Kelsie. :p I love nicknames though, so I always make them up off the top of my head. And most of the time it catches on and other people start calling them what I call them. :rolleyes: lol

    Maybe the people who don't like nicknames were sheltered? lol. j/k
    but it's too cold to swim!...:p hahaha....but ya gotta love Dory. :rolleyes: "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming."

    for some reason I want to call you Kelsie. 0.o....
    I technically don't have semesters, but*thinks*.....Dec 19th probably, but then I start up again on the 5th of Jan. :rolleyes:*shudders*
    Hahaha, niiice. I'd personally would rather be a dog..yeah....then I wouldn't have to eat mice. >.<

    Just school which takes up 12 hours of my day...every day. :rolleyes: Who knew commuting to school and going to school and coming back from school would take so long? lol
    I'm pretty awesome. Just chillaxin' lol, no I don't actually talk like that......ok sometimes I do..but anyway. I'm good, haha. Resting up for another busy week. How about yourself, dearie?
    Hola! Ashley and Tiff have been saying that I'd love you to death and that I should meet you, so here I am! :p lol. I'm Amy/LC and it's cool ta meet ya Kells. :cool:
    Right now I'm reading a book called Youth In Revolt. It's about this kid that lives in California and he's like 14 and he runs away with this girl and I guess he's rebellious? lol! They're turning it into a movie and Michael Cera is going to play the main character. It's not so bad so far. What about you? Read anything good lately?
    Hahaha! That is so cute!

    I have one that I've been putting on reading. It's Chicken Soup for the Girlfriend's Soul. It contains stories about best friends and all that jazz.....I don't think I'll be able to read it...
    They have tons of books dedicated to certain topics. I barely made it through that book. So, so sad.
    They make me cry. Especially in the "Tough Stuff" section. They have a book dedicated to the Tough Stuff stories. I made the mistake of reading that. I was thoroughly depressed because of all the sad stories people submitted. It was good, but I think I cried while reading it...
    Glad that you're feeling better.

    Yay for OJ and chicken soup!

    *loves the Chicken Soup book series*
    What kind of infection? I hope you get well soon.

    I'm recovering a mild cold. My best friend has one way worse than I did. No more getting sick for us!
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