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  • That makes sense. I believe there is someone out there for everyone. We just might have to wait a little while. When it does happen though, I have a feeling the wait will be worth it.
    OH! When he met Alice???? That's so cute. How she saw him coming and waited and waited. They are a pretty amazing couple. Can't wait to see it onscreen. :D
    Jasper is cool but Emmett is my favorite of Edward's surrogate brothers. I pretty much love all of the Cullen's for the most part. Rosalie, I'm still iffy about...

    I like them. :) I bought the "I just like watching you" one today at Hot Topic. I got my Team Edward shirt a couple of months ago from yeah, I got them at Hot Topic. ;) :p
    I have a question: What in the world is your avvie? I have spent forever trying to figure it out... I know its someone with their arm up in the air...but that's all I can tell.:p
    I'm glad you like it. Someone told me bad things about it but I figured I'd have to see for myself...

    I sent them to you. :) Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving?
    Hahaha awesome! I texted you the pictures of took of them :p

    I don't think Meyers will be done either. I wanna read the other book she released this year called The Host. I hope I get it for Christmas.
    It's just a job for now. I am planing on majoring in history though. I'd like to do something with document preservation. It be absolutely awesome to be able to work in the National Archives or the Library of Congress. That would be so cool. It'll never happen, but it'd be cool! :p
    I do like it. But it's getting old. I do the same thing, it never changes. I'm just cataloging all the artifact in this particular section, into the computer. Having to give a detailed description, condition, location, and I take a picture of it and load it into the computer and I do that over and over and over again :rolleyes:
    I'm sorry you're so busy. When does your break start?

    I'm hanging in there. The hospital released my grandmother after about a week. I haven't been up to much. I was sick last week but I did get my Twilight tickets already. AND I got a new Twilight shirt. Now I have too. :D
    Yeah jobs make it harder. I'm working at a museum and trying to get my school work done and getting to work on time can be stressful!
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