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  • It was awesome!!! Its all gone now, though. *cries* Now I have to go back to school! :p

    lol, Thats probably my second favorite animated Disney film (first being 101 Dalmations! :D)

    Haha, awesome!
    I agree. It's horrible when you try to reach them and they are not willing to answer your phone. Or when they are telling you to choose from a menu and then you click and you will get another menu.
    I'm pretty good. School has been taking up my time lately but I don't have school today!! Its supposed to snow 1/2 an inch!!! :D
    Cool avvie! Is that Belle?
    How're you?
    I don't know who my favorite princess is. Cinderella? Hers is the most inspiring story of all of them. And it's proof that a pair of shoes can change your life.

    I wish I had a Prince Charming to break the evil spell ruling my life. Dare to dream....
    Oh my dude. I heart your Little Mermaid avvie! I was thinking about that movie yesterday. :p

    Oh and then I got "A Whole New World" stuck in my head....was yesterday Disney day?
    It's not your fault. I'm not even sure if it's my fault. It might be. I'm going to go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Night. Love you.
    I know. I'm just being an "emo kid", I guess. Things will look up. I just don't know when. I'm sorry for always been so...mopey? Is that the right word? Anyway, I'm sorry.
    I'm ok. There is air in my lungs. That's good. I keep telling myself no matter how bad things are they can always get worse. There are people out there suffering more than me.

    I'm sleepy too.
    Thanks but it doesn't feel that way.

    That's cool about your Scholarship. :) Yay for one more day off! :D
    I did have fun. I went with my best friend and her boyfriend. My dates name is Casey and he said he has had feelings for me since the day he met me almost two years ago. Poor kid probably doesn't stand a chance. Not his fault though. I'm just crazy.

    School is always expensive. Are you getting any financial aid? What classes are you taking this semester? When do you go back? Or are you already back?
    Hmmm, interesting. I might have to try to find some Twilight communities. I think I want a Paramore banner that says "We were born for this."

    Thanks. :) Yes, unfortunately my hair is much shorter and choppier (more choppy?) than it was in the picture. I'm growing it out and never letting that chick touch my hair again.

    I forgot to tell you, I had a double date last night. :) I'm proud of myself...sort of. :p

    How is school/work? How is life?
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