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  • Apparently I screamed but I don't think I did. :p Duude, Cam did a really good job. Such a cute actor.

    Kellan is def a cutie. :D Where do you find your Twilight avvies?

    I put a pic of me with blonde hair on the Share A Pic thread ;). I did it at my best friend's house. It was an interesting experience. Then the other night they chopped it all off. :( I miss my long hair.
    You changed your avvie! Why? Kellan Lutz its pretty but the one of Jackson was AWESOME!

    I've been staying with a friend but I'm home now. :) I dyed my hair blond and I saw The Unborn. It was scary! Cam Gigandet is hot. The whole time he was on the screen I was thinking "That's James!"

    I'm such a loser. :rolleyes: What are you up to??
    You're welcome! Your siggy made me laugh the first time I saw it... I just forgot to tell you that a while before. :rolleyes: :D
    Anything superhero. I'm slightly obsessed. I watched X2 last night (Not the first time I've seen it) and was ranting and raving about it till I went to bed. lol
    lol. yeah, same... i think that edward's too... idk.... sappy? i mean he's always going "bella! are you alright! i'll do anything for you!" and bella's just like a zombie under his love. ><

    i like the alice-jasper combination much better :D
    Hey, I need to go. I have to run to the store and then take a shower and sleep. I work at 9 am. Good night, love! Thanks for listening to the trivial problems of my life.
    Since I've bowed out, I don't want to bow back in. haha.
    No I'm in agreement. It's extremely unfortunate that girls settle for someone because they just want to feel loved. Indeed the bar must be lifted, but not in that way.
    i posted twice defending it, but i thought since you are an actual fan of the books (unlike me), that you would like to write your own response. :)
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