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    History is amazing.:D It was always my favorite subject.

    Wow sounds really tough!I'm sure you'll do great though!*smile*

    LOL sorry that's my Midwestern slang,we shorten everything here.;) It stands for Sociology.
    Oh and it's just the teacher is kinda nasty.Also her beliefs are very different than mine and a few other students so she likes to mock us.*rolleyes*

    Yeah we don't have any TV channels at all,the tv is just a monitor to play DVDs on.
    I Love Lucy is hilarious!:p My favorite is the one where she and Ricky get handcuffed together!:p

    Yes it was absolutely amazing! Very beautifully filmed and acted and the story is very moving..even more so since it's all true.:cool:
    Do you know the song "Pipes of Peace" by Paul McCartney?:-D The orginal music vid for it uses two scenes that they used in the movie,which is pretty neat.

    Haha,no actually I love The Monkees because I went through a really bad year when I was 17,and struggled with depression. They were the first/only thing that made me smile the whole year and still when I'm feeling low their music/show makes me feel better.They're so zany.*grin*
    Wow sounds like a cool report! I love the kings/queens of England.
    Schools so-so.:p History is great,Soc not so well. You?

    Ah okay...I never watch any modern tv shows...actually haven't watched a currently playing show since I was 4,and Christy was on.:p But I watch like 25 old shows.

    Language is always a pain. I watched like the best movie ever today Joyeux Noel,but it sadly had some mild profanity. Thats why I only watch a few modern things. Modern books tend to be a pain too,content wise (Christian fiction is full of sex.:rolleyes:),so I've started reading old books..I'm reading The Outsiders right now.:D

    I've heard of It,but haven't seen it yet.
    Haha I know how school is.:p I'm always multitasking,like studying during lunch or answering email on the break in Soc.

    No,I haven't seen it but I've heard of it. Is it good?:D

    LOL,yeah I know..I watched it for Halloween (always watch an old scifi film then),and slightly creepy,and very corny old ones is about as scary as I'm willing to go (I'm pathetic,I know).:p

    Yep,I was really happy when I learned that about him.:) Quite a few of the old actors-James Stewart and Dean Jones for example-were/are.
    Thanks honey...for understanding means alot. Yes it really is..but I am trying..only with God's help. Yes thanks honey..I am trying...*huggles back* :)

    Yes true too hahahah. :p

    Alright talk to you laters...Yes I am too..missed you SO much!!!!!
    Thank you hun...It has been...I mean I try to encourage and comfort others that I knew that knew Chase too but its really hard to sometimes. *sighs* Thanks..sadly that site cant stay on for much longer..the free trail for it is almost over so I have to make another site that is free, pray that I can find one. Yes it is..hope he remebers me though. :( Yes it is..this is the first time its happened for this is especially hard. :( :(

    Oh okay..thats cool. I dont really have favorites, weird that way I guess.
    Thanks honey...Yes it is about Chase...he was like a brother to having really hard time with him being....gone... :( :(

    Hmm i like almost anything except Techno and most new
    Good glad to hear that your dad is doing okay now.. :) Aww thanks honey... Can u pray for me dealing with grieving for a good friend that passed away? I will do that...And the same goes for you okay... <3 <3

    Awww thanks honey..I really try to do that..I really think so ? Welcome.

    Hhahha I dont know :p
    Hey! So, I was on iTunes earlier and I saw that Carrie Underwood had a Celebrity Playlist (lists that celebrities post on itunes of their fav songs...), and TFK has TWO songs on hers! Crazy, huh? :p
    I will reply to your VM in about a half an hour..have to ice my face to prevent complications Ill reply to this VM when I am done with icing my face ok.
    Thanks honey...aww is he doing okies now? Awww thank you honey...I appreciate it greatly.

    Ill pray for the stress...stress isnt all.. :( :( Awww honey..Ill be praying for cand do it..I have faith in you..just pray about it
    Yes I had the surgery on Monday...It went ummm okay I guess.

    No not feeling okays at all..and not recovering as I should be..
    Yes I am...I have missed you SO much lolzz.

    Awww I can understand that...yes I hope so too..Whats new with you? How is school coming?
    Haha yeah,GG,Smaug and I all hang out there a lot.:p

    It's a cool show.:D
    I know "Six Up To Brannach" is on Youtube,that's a pretty good one.

    Haha yeah,his nickname was the "King Of Cool",partly because of his role in the film The Great Escape.:cool:

    He was in the orginal movie The Magnificent Seven,which is really good and one of my favorites.
    And he was in the old movie version of the sci fi The Blob (yeah the title is corny but it's actually fairly creepy.:p),and a ton of other films.
    He was actually the top star of the 60s. He had a pretty hard life but he became a Christian not long before he died (sadly,pretty young.),which is wonderful.:)
    I'm not sure if you were asking Smaug or me but I'll answer in case you meant mine.:p
    It's about Josh Randall,a bounty hunter in the 1800s. But unlike the other bounty hunters,he always brings in his quarry alive,and he's a kind and rather gentle character. However,this doesn't make him looked at any different by the various people he meets,and the other bounty hunters are constantly vying with Josh to catch the men before he does.:cool:
    It ran 3 years back in the late 50s/early 60s.:D Steve McQueen is one of my favorite actors so I'm a big fan of the show.:p
    Haha,oh okay,thanks.:D That does make sense,I'll have to try that next time I make something!:D
    Hey,cool banner.:D How did you make the silouettes?:D
    Thank you! My username does describe me - I'm of Irish descent and my family's nickname for me has always been "Song Bird" because I love to sing! Thanks for the great welcome!
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