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  • Those are my favorite genres, too! Although I love reading historical fiction, my attempts to write it didn't work out...too much research involved!:eek:
    I have a lot of stuff in the Character Thread that tells about some of my stories, if you'd like to check it out.
    Do you like to write?
    Sounds wonderful.:D
    Traditions...hmmm,well we always watch "Its A Wonderful Life" on the 23rd. Other than that,no not really.:p I love Christmas too. I persuaded my mom years ago to do everything old fashioned so we have lead icicles and big old lights on the tree.<3

    Aw!!!! Cute names..they sound adorable! Do you have pics of them?:D
    lolz funny names,I bet they're adorable.:D
    yeah! I got kitty converse,And mum got a coldwater creek giftcard(bleck) and dad got cigars! And I havn't even gotten any of the five sibs presents yet.Argh. I'm broke.*moth flys out of wallet*
    Yeah,everybody says the same school must be early.:p
    Baking Christmas cookies,cleaning the house and watching season 3 of "The Wild Wild West".:D Do you have big plans for your break?

    Aw!!!! Have you named them yet? Are they girls,boys or one of each?:D
    Yes..alot has happened lol.

    I have a sprained ankle a bad sprain.I was helping a customer at my job and was carring a really heavy box, with glass, and metal and such, and it fell and I fell and sprained my ankle(which was weak to begin with) and the heavy box fell on top of it, :(

    Yay..and Ill be praying for the tests ;) Kittens..awesome!!!
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