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  • Haha, me too! :D Yeah, but in a way its good, cuz I make myself read so much that I think if I had good books to read for school, too my head would explode! :p Ah, thats awesome, I love Shakespeare! :D I have trouble describing books sometimes, so I'll let you read a summary. Its a hilarious book, I highly recommend. :D

    As Milo heads toward Dictionopolis he meets with the Whether Man ("for after all it's more important to know whether there will be weather than what the weather will be"), passes through The Doldrums (populated by Lethargarians), and picks up a watchdog named Tock (who has a giant alarm clock for a body). The brilliant satire and double entendre intensifies in the Word Market, where after a brief scuffle with Officer Short Shrift, Milo and Tock set off toward the Mountains of Ignorance to rescue the twin Princesses, Rhyme and Reason. Anyone with an appreciation for language, irony, or Alice In Wonderland-style adventure will adore this book for years on end.
    Me too! My friends are the same way, but I found a C.S. Lewis quote that I love...(paraphrase): "I can't imagine a man really liking a book and only reading it once." :D Lemme know what you think of it, I loved it all! :D Although the first 140 pages were kinda slow but after that I felt like it really picked up the pace of the book. :D Awesome! I come to school with childrens books all the time and my friends are like, "Seriously, what, are you 7 years old?!" :p You do! I loved A Tale of Two Cities, too...Haha, will do! :D Meh, not really. :p I'm re-reading The Phantom Tollbooth, though...if you haven't read it, you def. should! :-D
    That sounds fun! :) I love that book! I need to read it again...Along with a hundred others. :p I have! I made a New Year's resolution that I wanted to try to read as many of the "classics" this year. I'm sorta deciding what I consider classics on my own. :p I've read The Count of Monte Cristo (loved it! :D), The Princess and The Goblin by George MacDonald (Its a kids book, but I love kids books...:p), Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens (Awesome, he is an awesome author! :-D), the book that I'm about to read next is Moby Dick, then The Three Musketeers. :D
    That's great! Hmmmm ... I was beginning to wonder! Haha j/k. That's awesome! Did you get everything you wanted? Awww ... you're a good sister! Yes I had a great Christmas and New Years. I went to my friend's church's all-nighter and we also missed bringing in the new year. Hahaha! My cell phone said 12:03 but the youth director said they were wrong and that the screen counting down was correct. Hahaha! Hmmmm :rolleyes: Yesssss ... I'm back in school ... and I LOATHE it!!! Is it any better for you? :p
    Ideas do come out better when they've been sitting in your head for a while---I have some that have been there for 2 years that I STILL need to write down!:p And I'm really busy with school, too...:rolleyes:
    What did you think of "Untitled Story?" My sister and I wrote it together. I'd like to post some of my more, er, serious stories, but I'm afraid some crazy plagiarist surfing the web is going to find them.:p
    Beh-beh-beeeeth! :D Hey!!! I haven't talk to you in awhile! How've ya been? Did you have a good Christmas and New Years?
    Because you made it up!!!! You never laughed! HA!

    Joy :rolleyes: A random fact. :p Haha j/k I actually like random facts.
    You said 'brb'. Kev and I just sat there staring at the screen waiting for you to come back and you never did *sniff* *cries* *sobs*. I see how it is!!! Hahah! :p ;)
    :p lol! Yes, it was terrible! I missed you so much I nearly had a breakdown! :p

    Ahhh, another theheartrender fan! :p:D She is awesome! I love her Fireflies cover! But Your Love is A Song is still my fav...=D
    I know!!! It's great! It makes me think of summer. Staying up until the wee hours of the morning! haha :p

    I rrrrreeeeeeeaaaaaallllly want to see it. Haha! When you watch The Patriot be sure and tell me what you think! ;)
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