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  • Yeah, its been really bad with Owl City...Like, seriously, 10 people have done that to me...:rolleyes::p

    Definitely! There's something about Old English that makes it just so much more powerful than Modern English...:p Yeah, I love her books! I haven't seen the movie, but my sister says its good...P&P will probably always be my favorite. :p=D
    Sure, if I write it down and like it enough, you can read it! Although I rarely like things I write! :p

    Check out this piano cover of Switchfoot's "Your Love Is A Song"! Its amazing! =D
    Oh that all sounds fun! Optimistic is the best way to looks at situations ;) I'm some what nervous about next year because I'll be going to college. And I'm really suppose to be a senior next year soooo... I don't know, but I feel like when I get to college I'm going to feel like some kid or something. *sighs* We'll just have to see! I'll be optimistic ;) Haha

    Yes, I love the American Revolution too! For The Four Feathers it says:Harry Feversham (Heath Ledger), a young British officer and the son of a stern British general, celebrates his recent engagement to the beautiful young Ethne (Kate Hudson).When the regimental Colonel announces that the regiment is being dispatched to Egyptian-ruled Sudan to rescue the British General Charles "Chinese" Gordon, young Feversham becomes nervous and resigns his commission. Although he claims to have quit the army in order to stay in England with new fiancée because he would never "go to war for anyone or anything", he is nonetheless censured by three fellow officers (except for Feversham's closest friend and comrade Jack Durrance) for cowardice as signified by the delivery to him of three white feathers. He also loses the support of his fiancée Ethne, who presents him with the fourth feather. Sufficiently humbled, Feversham attempts to win back his honor and the respect of his family by secretly becoming and undercover operative in the Sudan.
    Here's the link to the trailer
    Haha, definitely! LOL! Me too! And then sometimes, like a few months after I've been listening to a band that I told a person about they'll come up to me and be like, "Have you heard of this AWESOME band?" I'm like, "YES! I told you about them like a month ago!" :p Thats happened to me several times with Owl City...:rolleyes:
    Shakespeare is amazing! I love him! I'm also reading Emma (Jane Austen) with my sister...I know! I could read Don Quixote 20 times and still laugh just as hard! :p You should check it out! Its really good so far! I haven't read anything else by Dumas...Did you like TTM?
    Yeah, I hope I find the time/will to write it down...:p

    Sweet! Lemme know what you think! It gets better as the season goes on (actors "gel" together scripts get "crisper"...etc. :))
    Me either! Because I will be officially done with high school! Yipee!!! Why will you be excited?

    Yes I have! That has to be without a shadow of a doubt my favorite movie. Plus my favorite movie Heath is in :D But I do like A Knight's Tale. There is another movie called The Four Feathers with him in it that I want to see too.
    I've never used the FlashChat. I just asked Kev if he would experiment with me. Haha. You should too! :p
    Oooh that will be fun! We don't usually do much on New Year's Eve. Maybe we will this year. I can't believe it is almost 2010! That just blows my mind.

    *sigh* Yes, it is. Heath is A-MAZING, not to mention very attractive. :D
    How rude! :p Well, lucky you! :p
    I completely understand! I'll wax eloquent about the brilliance of Red Eyes and how Foreman's voice really shows emotion to my sister or one of my friends and they just look shocked that anyone could be so serious/obsessed with a song! :p Wow, I can't imagine anyone not liking Free! :eek:
    Your welcome! :)
    LOL! Sounds exactly like my Mom, she'll get up at 1 a.m. and be like, "what're you doing' up! GO TO BED! :p" Yeah, I have, I'm reading A Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakespeare's play), and enjoying it, as well as Don Quijote! I love it! Its hilarious! :p=D I'm also enjoying the Counte of Monte Cristo...I'm reading like 6 books at once...:p
    Yeah! I'm actually thinking of writing a Merlin/Arthur legend...We'll see if I actually write any of it down. :p

    Here is a link to the first full episode...if you wanna watch it online. ;-) Here

    ROFL! Thats great! =D
    2 feet?!?!?! I am totally and completely jealous!!! It flurried today, if you want to call it that. You had to really strain your eyes to see it :/ Hahaha! I thought that when the mods made the changes to the forum that they deleted the chat threads :( I don't really know. Is the MPG thread still around?
    Ooooh I know. Christmas break *sigh* I really, really, REALLY need a break from school. I'm not exactly ready for Christmas to be over though :( Haha. Well, this Christmas it will be my immediate family on Christmas morning and then that night, my aunts, uncles and cousins are coming and we'll have a big meal ... I think my mom is making a turkey. It'll be fun. Usually we're the one going out of town, but now we get to have family over. :) What about you?
    Whoa!!! 2 feet!?! NOT FAIR! :p In the part of Georgia that I live in, its a major news story when you get 3 inches of snow...:p
    Yes!!! Thank you! I talk to all my friends and family about how amazing the songwriting is and how diverse and amazing the music is and their eyes sorta glaze over and they say, "ohh, that sounds nice." :p There have been a lot of great albums this year! =D
    Hahahaha! That's great! :p

    LOL! Sounds sweet I'll have to check out levels and curves next time I open GIMP!
    You're great at making graphics! And besides, I'm nothing all that special, all I did was practice a bunch and build a large stockpile of textures, tuts, fonts, and brushes! :p
    Haha, I probably really am an insomniac...I often end up reading or writing far into the night b/c I can't sleep. I feel much more awake at night than at day...:p

    Btw, have you seen the BBC's tv show Merlin? Its great, you should definitely check it out if you get a chance! ;-)

    LOL! So do I! :p
    Well, yesterday, my Mom's side of the family had our annual "Cookie Day", which is where we get together and celebrate Christmas and spend the day baking a special family recipe of cookies and fudge...Other than that, I'll probably get to see all of my immediate family on Christmas day...:D What about you?
    Yeah, Its AWESOME! :D I'm glad you're joining! ROFL! I'm HelloHurrican because I'm obsessed with Switchfoot's new album! If you don't have it, get it as SOON AS POSSIBLE! :p

    Thanks! =D I've posted a lot more in the Non-Narnian graphics thread in the Spare Oom section of NW, if you wanna check them out. =p I haven't messed around with levels or curves much yet, but I really need to! My current favorite method is duplicating an image messing with the color balance and then setting it on screen or another setting (just whatever looks best...;)), then placing a few fill layers on top with different settings...LJ has some great tuts! As does NW! :)
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'm leaving for the Faroe Islands tomorrow, will be great to see my family again :)
    Yep! Christmas break for me started Friday! :D It IS terrible for me! I was here for so long (it seems) and had a blast! But now its just...dead. :( I DEFINITELY recommend you joining NW, even though they're much more strict there, they're also really fun! :)
    Thanks so much! I've gotten a lot better on my coloring of late, so thanks! I've been posting a lot of my graphics on NW (they're so much more responsive and appreciative/helpful in the graphics section there...:)
    Sounds sweet. I haven't heard of it before.:)

    Oh,I LOVE Newfies!!!!! Whats his name?:D
    Aw,so cute!!!!
    I have one dog,a collie/something unknown mix named Mine. She's 9. Then I have 12 goldfish. I'd have more pets but my moms allergic to cats and the house is too small.:p

    Bye,Beth! Have a merry Christmas!:D
    No, having pirates isn't's just that I just saw Swiss Family Robinson and that and reading the words "Spanish main" triggered "Pirates!"

    HAVING pirates in a story can't be a cliche, because then there wouldn't BE any stories about pirates.
    Hehe,I plan to.:D

    Sounds nice! What movie?:) Ooooh,those cookies sound good!:p

    Awesome! There's just a dusting here but my dogs happy,she loves snow.:p
    How are the kittens?
    Christmas break!:D I've been waiting all year for it (only real break I get because I take summer classes):rolleyes: I'm doing nothing but baking cookies,and watching my season set of "The Rat Patrol".:p
    There's a thread called "Favorite Books voting" where I listed my favorite books, including Johnny Tremain, Sherlock Holmes, stuff by Louisa May Alcott, Lloyd Alexander, Brian Jacques and more...

    Yeah...once you get used to writing fantasy, you get used to making the rules and it's hard to write historical fiction. I tried to write a story in Victorian days, but it got too hard so I made it happen in one of my various worlds. Who says all fantasy worlds have to be in medieval settings, anyway?;)
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