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  • Your welcome! So, did you get any awesome gifts? :p:D

    Awesome! So, what'd you think of it? I hope that they air the third season in the U.S....
    Wow,chemistry,I don't envy you there!:p Literature is awesome though!:D
    What is worldview?
    Yeah it's great. Especially since I love history. I love seeing artifacts in museums but when I get to go behind the scenes and get to touch them ... I get giddy! Hahahaha! I'm such a nerd.
    Oh that's awesome! People find, bullets and stuff, but a sword! That's totally unique! I was big into (and kind of still am) Native Americans and my uncle had found a lot of arrow heads on his property and some bullets and he gave them to me. I don't know ... it's just really cool owning that kind of stuff. Hahah ... again ... such a nerd. :rolleyes: :p
    I found a white tiger picture and blue background & put them together under Paint.:) And I'm glad you enjoyed the story!:D:D
    What classes are you taking?:)
    Aw,well good luck with school and all the homework!;)
    Oh okay.:)
    Bye Beth! TTYL!
    Uhhhh sorta kinda :p I work at a museum. But it's volunteer work. I work on the computer mostly. It's kind of like an old card catalog at a library. I'm taking all the cards that have the information about the artifact and copy that into the computer. Right now I'm cataloging artifacts that have never been put on a card, so I have to give a detailed description and I'll take a picture of it and upload it to the software. I'm cataloging all military items right now and I absolutely love it! I was able to hold a belt buckle from the Civil War which was absolutely amazing to me! I've also been able to hold and read actual news papers from 1941 telling about the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It's amazing! I don't get paid from week to week, since it's mostly volunteer. But last year they paid for me to go to Philadelphia which was awesome!

    Okay ;) Talk to ya later!
    (((hugs))) Thanks,Beth.:) I really appreciate it.:)

    hehe,well that's not too bad.;) Hows school? Are you in high school or college?
    Thats probably true...But really, who isn't (strange, at least...:p)?

    Never heard of it :p...I don't like depressing movies...Ummm, I don't really know...Haha :p

    I must go. :( See ya!
    That's awesome! Will they be staying awhile? Hahahah! I function better when I've had lack of sleep. If I've slept in then I usually can't really ever fully wake up. Is that weird? Hahaha :p
    Ugh,just lousy life,I guess. School and taking care of my dog (she has cancer.:() and looking after the house while my mom searches for a new job.
    Yes,I'm on my third week,now.:) Its going fairly well.
    How are you?
    Lol, you keep it up and it could happen any time...ka-BOOM! :rolleyes::p

    Yeah, it is...I do! :p:D

    Sooo...Have you seen Leap Year? Its got the same sorta storyline as a lot of romantic comedies, but I still enjoyed it...:p
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