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  • Too bad!!! J/k, haha! :p It is! I've loved it from season of the few shows that gets better with time...:-D

    Haha, sounds like a blast! :-D:p

    They're all made to NW standards, so they're kinda small...


    ^The girl who says those is from Israel, so she has trouble with idioms. :P
    Hiya,Beth!:D Just wondering if you've finished your entry for the Mythology rush,just writing to everyone not entered yet to check.;)
    Ohh, I forgot about The Great Physician! Great song! So is Cages--Ok, I love all their songs! :p Yup, I know what you mean!
    Haha, no worries! I recommend Nothing Left To Lose, Looks Like Love, Through Smoke, These Hard Times, and Won't Turn Back. Particularly the last two. :D
    Lemme know how they are live! :D
    Haha, Glad someone else likes him! Ahh, no fair, I wanna go! :p I love Just For You, I Know, Breathe, Mess, and The Comeback Kid. I love the new album! What're your favs?
    Yeah I love Pirates of the Caribbean. And I agree they should leave it at At Worlds End. It had a perfect ending. I didn't think so at first because I didn't like how it ended for Will and Elizabeth, but it's grown on me. Haha. I also like him in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. :p Yup, it does look like it's focused more on him but I think I'll kinda like it that way. I don't know ... guess I'll find out :p
    Yes I have! I want to see it. I love Johnny Depp and it looks like he's gonna do another awesome job on this character. :D Are you going to see it?
    Too true! :p

    Haha, yeah, the video for "Ice", is particularly strange. :p Plus she does those videos that have, like, drawn backgrounds...:p Shes still awesome, though! :p Whats your fav Deas Vail song? I love White Lights, Atlantis, and Birds!
    I know, right?! It was. :p
    *gasp* I'm afraid we can no longer be friends! :p j/k How can you not like Needtobreathe? :p Is it their musical style, or his voice? Or both?
    AHHHHHH!!! Lucky! *is jealous* I reeeeeally want to see Switchfoot live, particularly.
    Btw, have you heard B.Reith? I love his music! It has a sort of, Jason Mraz feel to it sometimes and at other times hes more like Jimmy Needham, with some TobyMac sound thrown in (mainly on "The Comeback Kid".) :p
    ACT test it a standardized test for college admission basically. It's a lot like the SAT test (most people take the ACT in the South though. Idk why. Haha! But on the SAT you can only take it once and ACT you can take is as many times as you want. The ACT has four parts, English, Math, Reading, & Science. And yup I went to take it (it was my third time). English and Reading are definitely my better scores :p
    20-28 inches!!!! That's insane!!!! But it sounds like a lot of fun. Tomorrow it's suppose to start snowing but we're only suppose to get about 3 inches.
    I've seen Pride and Prejudice (the newer one with Keira Knightly) and Sense and Sensibility. They're really good!
    Yup! I do that all the time, whatever song I'm obsessing over at the moment is usually the one I use on my graphics, which makes for some interesting combinations :D (Doctor Who and Brave Saint Saturn, Nicholas Nickleby and Relient K, LotR and Skillet :p)
    Hahaha! Tell me about it. I just can't get my mind wrapped around 8 hours! After 8 hours of looking at that igloo, I'd be about ready to kick it over! Haha :p Having a snowfort would be awesome! I'm still a little kid when it comes to snow! Haha!
    That would be hilarious, seeing this giant snow ball that just keeps getting smaller and smaller!
    I was watching the weather and it was talking about this massive snow storm ... so I think I have an idea of where you might be at (plus you said it was in-between and was the South in the Civil War sooooo). Haha. When I was watching the weather, I saw that we would be getting some more snow on Friday too ... 1-3 inches! :rolleyes: Hahaha :D I don't want it to snow though, because I'm suppose to take the ACT test on Saturday and I want to get that over with! ;)
    I'll have to look for them.:D

    That's cool!:D
    Haven't heard of that one. I'll have to look for it.:D

    Sounds interesting.:D

    *high fives back* Hey,we're twins! (j/k):p Wow,that's neat that it's not common.:D
    *goes to read*
    You should! It was still pretty funny at times. ;)

    Yeah, it was!!!!!!! I don't think I knew you liked Deas Vail or Lights. I got Deas Vail's White Lights EP at the concert, and got about a foot away from the band members but didn't have time to really talk, or get anything signed because we had to get back on the way home (It was 10 p.m. and we drove 4 hrs. to get there. :p). I really wanted to meet LIGHTS but (for the same reason as above) couldn't. The line for her table was super long anyway. :p Have I told you that I also get to see Needtobreathe in concert in April? I'm so psyched! :D
    Hahaha! At least I know I'm not the only one that can't finish them. One of my friends said he built an igloo (and finished it), taking him 8 hours! :eek: I could never do that. Hahah! I have only finished an igloo once and it wasn't very big, just enough for one person. :p I knoooooow! I hate messing up my yard because it's sooooo pretty and sparkly looking, but that other part of me can't get outside fast enough! Haha. 8-20!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: Oh my word!!!! Do you live up North? ;)
    It's a sci-fi about a society in which noone can live past 30,but one guy,Logan,decides to try to escape to the outside and freedom.:D

    Those sound fun! What's the last one about?:D

    Sounds cool. I took it and got:
    "very expressed introvert
    moderately expressed intuitive personality
    slightly expressed thinking personality
    slightly expressed judging personality"

    Uh,is that good?:p
    Yessss! 7 glorious inches! Usually it's about 3! Haha! I loved it. Me and my friend started on an igloo but we made it too big (could hold four people) so we didn't finish it! But if we had it would have been amazing! No sledding for me. We don't have any hills :( And my little brother and his friends totally take over the 4-wheeler and sled and I never get a chance :rolleyes: Haha.

    All I had was my iPod and when my batteries started to die, I thought I was going to die! :p Hahahahaha! Wow! And 5:30ish is when you'll start needing lights!
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