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  • Oh that's awesome! I don't get spring break :( *sniff* :p I've just been busy with school and school and um, more school :p I hate it. LOL! Do ya have any special plans while you're on break?
    Thanks! :D Everything went reasonably well, the instructor (don't think that's really the right word...Oh, well. :p) was very nice which I was very thankful for! :p:D I did ok on parallel parking...the side of the car was a little bit in the road, but other than that she said I did good! :-D

    That's why I'm thankful I met you, I would still be thinking I was a crazy lune who was the only one that liked all these types of music...:p

    Haha! Awesome!

    Good! :-D

    LOL!!! I laughed so hard watching that! Genius...
    Hi Beth!:)
    I have a request please if you have the time?:D
    I'd like a banner for my profile on LJ. Same size as here.
    Text:"Never say UNCLE"
    This picture

    *just noticed your reply :p*

    Aww, yes! That is terrible! Or when you show your friends a new song and they say they "like it"....but then if you bring up the song again in a few days they're like, "what song is that?" :rolleyes: *sigh*

    LOL! There's just something about that word "marine" that draws me in...:p
    Okie dokie! :p
    Ha! That's crazy! What I can't understand is all my friends who still (even when they're, like, 17!) are limited to the radio! :eek::p Yeah, I found Relient K and Switchfoot, then went online and found other bands that they would be touring with, and other such stuff...

    Yeah, its hilarious, in a pitiful sort of way! :p Ahahahaha! My Mom's face when she saw I had a new browser (Firefox, obviously. :p) was priceless...It was like she was thinking, "One step forward, two steps back." :p

    Hehe, yup! I'm pretty excited...But, I have some other stuff I wanna do, too (Marine Biology, and several other things that for some reason my mind just blanked on. :p). So I'm thinking I might just go in for 2-6 years...idk. :p That's cool (that your dad is in the Army)! Thanks, and I hope the same for yours!
    Hahahahahaha! I laughed out loud when I read "fighterfighter"! :p It reminds me of my sister, she used to say, "worluld" instead of world..:p Ahh! That sounds awesome! Music is such an awesome thing...Yeah, but like you said, if God has that as your purpose, then all you have to do is be as prepared as possible when He gives you the opportunity! :)
    Haha, yup, I do it sometimes now, but since my Mom's in the car always turning the volume down and rolling the windows back up, its not as much fun! :p
    Thanks! *walks off muttering, "I think I can, I think I can..."* :p

    Btw, have you heard of Fair? Their new album, "Disappearing World" is pretty enjoyable...Oh, and I've been really enjoying this guy named Tyrone Wells' music lately, too! He has a song called "Sink or Swim" that is pretty good, actually you can't really go wrong with his music, imo...:p

    Haha, thank goodness! :p
    (Seriously, and I think the messages are getting longer instead of shorter...:eek::p )
    Sa-weet! I'll have to get it the next time I have some money (or can beg some from my Mom. :p)! Haha, yeah, I could actually see myself liking it...especially when I look at how my musical tastes have changed from when I was 12 or so...I listened to nothing except the same old music that played on the radio...Bleh, I was missing out on so much! Relient K is the band that really opened me up to this whole new world of awesome artists that aren't necessarily getting radio play.

    Hahahaha! Indeed, and its really bad for my Mom b/c right when she got sort of used to PC's I got a Mac so whenever she tries to use my comp she is sooooo confused! Bahahaha! :p
    Yeah, it definitely sets them apart! :D

    Nope, well, I might later, but for my first 2-4 years out of high school I'm gonna be in the Marines! I'm really stoked, the more I think about it the more sure I am that its what I wanna be. :) If I like it enough I might just stay in the Marines, but if I don't I'll just serve for a few years and then do something else (what, exactly, I'm not sure. :p). What do you want to do (I don't think I've ever asked you that...:p)?
    Haha, thats sounds awesome! I don't really have any plans other than just driving around listening to my music (assuming I pass my driver's test. :p)!
    I'm sorta nervous about parallel parking, but other than that I think I can do everything--unless I get really nervous right before the test and freeze! :eek::p Thanks! I will!

    (I hope this message makes sense--I didn't re-read it to check for stuff that doesn't make sense and typos like I usually do...:p)

    Bahahaha, not likely (that I'll be converted. :p)! I still haven't heard DH's new album...although I heard it was good! :eek: *dies* I can't believe I didn't notice! I am ashamed. *hangs head* :p

    Yeah, it was pretty awesome! Yep, I don't think he has a release date set, but he had just come off of two weeks of songwriting a couple of days before the concert. Ah, my mom was supposed to have been recording it on my camera, but then when the song was over I looked at her and she said, "It turned off and wouldn't turn back on." I then pushed the "on" button and the camera turned back on. Blast her non-existent technological skills! :p
    Ahh, another fan converted! :p:-D I love the fact that the whole band does vocals...they all stand around one mic and do harmonies over and over and over until they all get it right, like the Beatles and those old bands did...Its pretty awesome! They also have a new album coming out this Summer! I can't wait! I love how the over-all album (The End Is Not The End) has a sort of WWII theme. :-D

    Ah, that's awesome (not that you messed up the first third--that you didn't mess up the last two thirds :p)! Haha, same here! Evil school! I'm so glad I'm not going to college...I don't think I could stand four more years after high school. :p Spring break is gonna be awesome! Guess what? I'm taking my driver's license test tomorrow! I can't wait, I hope I pass! :p

    (Wow, this is a rather long message...:p)
    Ah, that sounds awesome! Hahahahahaha! I bet that was hilarious (about you crashing--bahahahahaha! :p)! :p

    Yeah, its cool sometimes...other times its just annoying. :p

    Yeah, definitely, Of Men and Angels was a huge step up for TRS...
    LOL! Haha, yeah, most of the screamo-metal stuff isn't for me...although I do like the music, I just have never been able to get in the the voices. :p I do like Demon Hunter and some Underoath, though! :D

    Did I tell you I was going to a TobyMac/Brandon Heath/House of Heroes concert? Well, I went and it was amazing! Brandon Heath played a brand new song (he had played it for the first time the night before) called "Only Water" and it was beautiful--I can't wait for his new album!!! House of Heroes was brilliant--I've been a big fan of them for a while now...if you haven't heard them, look 'em up! They're like the Beatles with a heavier rock sound and Christian lyrics! :p:-D All of them do harmonies on their albums and its amazing! TobyMac probably puts on the best live show of anyone I've ever seen...he was just amazing. He played a slew of songs, too! :-D I got Brandon Heath and HoH's autograph's, too (well, the lead singer of HoH--the rest of the band wasn't out yet and I didn't have time to wait :-()!

    Anyway...What's new with you?
    lol, we're a terrible pair for VMing each other...We go weeks between messages! :p Dude! Thats awesome! How was it? I've always wanted to go skiing! :D

    It is! I like it a lot, the only thing is that gossip is ridiculously out of hand. :rolleyes: There are exactly zero secrets in small towns. Ugh.

    Yeah, I'm absolutely obsessed with it...His first album was great, but this one is a serious step forward, imo! :) Ah, I love Of Men And Angels, Nothing Matters, I Want Something To Live For, and Pull Myself Together (Don't Hate Me). But I like the whole album, too. Except, maybe, Tara, I'm Terrible. It sorta sticks out from the rest of the albums tracks (to me :p). Ha! I was the same way! I made, like, 6 of my friends from school listen to some of his songs...They shrugged and said he was "alright". Bah! :p
    What was the other album (If you don't mind my nosiness. :p)?
    Haha, I always try to reply...sometimes it just takes longer than others...:p
    Hahahahaha! Its awesome!

    Haha, yup, we don't a have McDonalds & if we want to go to Wal-Mart we have to drive at least 25-30 minutes. :p We do have a local grocery store in town, though. :p

    Yeah, he seems like he has really matured (especially in his songwriting. ;)). Lemme know what you think! :-D
    :p Yeah, its pretty crazy at Christmas/Thanksgiving. :p
    Case in point for me--your VM that was posted over a week ago, but that I am only now responding to...:p LOL! I could see that in a sig..."prone to procrastinate/forget things/general irresponsibility." :p
    Haha, yeah...

    I bet it is! :D I actually might get a chance to learn the drums! Just recently this guy moved here to start touring with a pretty popular Southern Gospel group. (I always think its so funny that a popular Gospel group lives in a town as small as mine...We don't even have a McDonalds, for Pete's sake! :p) Anyway, he is super-talented--he can listen to half of a song and finish it by himself on the drums. :eek: Hes planning on giving lessons, so I'm thinking about signing up...still not sure, though...:p

    Btw, have you heard The Rocket Summer's new album, "Of Men And Angels"? Its superb, imo! Of Men And Angels and I Need A Break...But I'd Rather Have A Breakthrough are two of my fav songs.
    Yup, that's what I've been doing ... staying up late to watch it. And the problem is I can't just watch one episode. Once I get started I can't stop. Haha. I've become addicted. :D
    Lol, okay. Later :)
    That's okay ;) I've watched episode 9 in season 2. I only like 4 more episodes and I am trying not to watch them and hold out as long as I can :rolleyes: What about you?
    Thanks! Those pics are awesome. :D

    So how are you? I haven't really talked to you in a while.

    BTW, my name is Rachel. Or Rach. Whichever. :D
    Haha, yep, not only that, but my brother is about to have his third child, so I'm gonna be an Uncle of 8! :eek::p Nope, sadly...Haha, yeah, I'm terrible about responding to people on Facebook...they'll post something on my wall and I never respond...:p
    Yeah, I love Wonderin', but I can see what you mean, it is a bit repetitive, and I didn't like what they did to Thiessen's voice...I almost couldn't tell when he was singing and when T-Mac was...:p
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