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  • I agree! I am graduating this year and have not ever had a boyfriend. One reason is, I honestly don't see a reason to at this point in my life, other than having something to do on a Friday night (and that's not a good enough reason because I can and do, do things with my friends :p). The other reason is I only know 3 guys that are actually my age and we're just really good friends. Anything else between us would be awkward :p
    Lol, I know, I'm sure someone will say that about me someday...:p Ah, thats cool! Yeah, I actually have two different jobs lined up, I'm hoping I'll get to do landscaping again so I can work outside, but if it doesn't rain enough there won't be much work...:( So if that doesn't work I'm gonna work at our local grocery store. Which isn't really a bad job either. :)
    I'm back :p

    Hahaha! That's too funny! I wish I coulda seen that =]

    Oh wow! Stuff like that really irritates me. I'm not prone to tears so sometimes it's hard for me to be sympathetic... especially when it comes to my friends getting their hearts 'broken' by guys. Half their 'relationships' (using that word lightly) only last like a month there's no way they can be crushed :rolleyes: A bit harsh, I know.
    Yeah... I missed something :p My favorite thing to draw using geometrical shapes is long cabins hahahha :p

    Again... same here! They're all so girly! It's insane. I'm surprised we're friends actually ... we're so different :p

    Uhhh ... oh geez, Beth ... I don't know.
    Yes, I'm a most mischievous person. :rolleyes::p

    Indeed, I was once called a "perfect combination of Shakespeare and Geoffrey Chaucer (sp?)." That was a complete and total lie. :p *random* Do you have a job? I'm getting one over the Summer so I can finance my iTunes addiction...I'll probably end up spending nearly 1/3 of my money on music, and saving the other third and spending the other third on misc. stuff...Don't know why I felt the need to say that. :p I've heard the Zune is good...I have the iPod Touch, Its pretty good, but storage is a bit of an issue (32 GB).
    Hehe I adore all the old shows.:D

    It is very nice...Most of all I love sleeping in and no early classes.:p

    The 1960s, Politics and Culture.:D I've finished both American History courses but I need others since I've made History my major.:)
    Why are you laughing? o_O Did I miss something? LOL! That's so funny! Hahahah! When I'm doodling it's usually geometrical shapes and buildings too! Hahah! :p

    All my friends that are girls like these gushy love stories and I can't take it unless something tragic happens :p When/if you watch them be sure and tell me what you think!
    Sapphire And Steel was a British sci-fi show from the 70s/80s...a little bit like Dr. Who,but IMO,much better.:D Its about a pair of "elements" (aliens,but not really explained exactly what) who repair "mistakes" in Time (an animate and evil force). David McCallum was Steel.:D Its super fun, very complex, and downright terrifying most of the time. But I love it.:p

    Aw,I know how that can be.(((hugs)))

    No, just house cleaning and relaxation afterwards,lol.
    I'm really looking forward to the History and French..Psych not so much but it's required.*wink*
    Mwahahaha! I sneaked back to the computer. :p
    *reply to your previous VM*
    *Laughs* :p

    Indeed! I could make a career as this century's Shakespeare! :p LOL! I would totally steal my sister's MP3 player! :p Hahaha! My Mom would be the same way! She'd just say, "Well, you'll be fine for a while until we have the money...maybe in a few months." :eek:

    Yes, it is. :p
    Yes you do need to see those movies! They're very good (in my opinion). I know a lot of guys that aren't crazy about Pearl Harbor because it isn't a real "war movie" because of the romance. But for me (I guess because I'm a girl), it was the right amount of war and romance :p And Titanic is just epic. It blew my mind that it was made in 1997 and the special effects were that good! I think my favorite songs to play out of those 3 is And Then I Kissed Him not sure though. Hahah.
    Bwhahaha... I just realized I hadn't even finished replying but posted it anyway :rolleyes: Anyhooooow ... I don't believe you! Haha! I'm sure you're way better than you give yourself credit for! I said I couldn't draw and just a couple of days ago I decided I wanted to try to draw a picture of Heath Ledger and I about died when I finished it and it actually looked like him! Hahaha :p Your computer graphics are amazing!
    Hehe,I watch WAY too much old tv...And I've been finding more and more lately since my friend over at LJ started me liking David McCallum (he's Illya Kuryakin).
    Have you ever seen Sapphire And Steel?:D

    Awesome! How long do you get off?:D Aw,a mess?
    Yep,11 days total...which leaves me untill Tuesday.:p
    Then I take the next level of Pysch,the next level of History,and French.:D
    Ooooo, I bet that is going to sounds sooo pretty! You have to start somewhere! :p Well one song my teacher has assigned is a Movement from some Symphony of Beethoven's ... I'm not really feeling it :p As you can see, since I couldn't even remember the name :p But what I'm playing that I'm enjoying, is ... Tennessee from Pearl Harbor, And Then I Kissed Him also from Pearl Harbor, and My Heart Will Go On from Titanic :D
    :eek: Thats GORGEOUS!!!! Thank you sooo much!!!:D
    It's so pretty I'll use it as my sig here too after I finish using the one I've got now.:-D

    The picture is from a reunion of the actors from one of my very favorite tv shows-The Man From U.N.C.L.E.. It was a 1960s spy show about Napoleon Solo,an older, outgoing and flamboyant agent, who's teamed up with a young, introverted Russian spy named Illya Kuryakin. Despite the fact that they're vastly different and that it's set during the middle of the Cold War (which would normally make them enemies), they become good friends.
    This is them then:
    It's a lot of fun and seasons 1 & 4 were fantastic (they went comedy in 2 & 3 and it wasn't nearly as good but 4 made up for it.;-)).

    Oh, and the fun thing is the actors became good friends in real life too.

    Too long indeed! (((huggles))) I'm pretty good, you?:D
    Very um... nasty visual... but then again I ask for it didn't I? :p

    What are you going to play tomorrow? Nah, I don't think I'm that good. Just average I guess. I wish I could play by ear. My grandmother could. Sadly I didn't inherit that gene :p
    Make me! :p

    Indeed, its necessary to mental health--in fact, I would say that music is the air of the soul! :p Oh, man! How are you not having a nervous breakdown right now? :p

    Haha! Thats hilarious! Yeah! This guy is crazy, too...but he says believable stuff, and he gets people really riled up and mad...its so hilarious! :p I can't think of anything specific, right now, but he does some crazy stuff....:p
    Hahahah! What does a nonexistent throw-up smiley look like, pray tell? :D That sound hilarious and totally exhausting :p I love riding bikes though. That's what I did most the day today. Ooooo the violin! I would love to play that. It's so beautiful! I'm sure you'll do great! How long have you been taking lessons? Yes, I do. I play the piano. I've been taking lessons 8 years. And I can sorta-kinda play the guitar :p I only took lesson for two years with that because my teacher only liked bluegrass *dies* and I had just switched piano teachers and she required a lot more and since I had been playing piano longer, I dropped guitar. ;]

    Oh golly-bill :)p) I just ate freezer burnt ice cream. ACK! ACK! ACK!
    Yeah, its pretty awesome! *in your face! j/k! :p*

    Hehe, you've introduced me to a lot of my favorites, too! :) Ah! Good! Me too! Yeah, I was surprised to find Aaron Sprinkle in a band, too! Yeah, he's amazing! You need it!!! :p

    I know! It was awesome! No, I have not, but I have a friend who does it ALL the time to other people and he puts it on speaker so I can hear, its pretty hilarious! :p
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