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  • Noooooooooo! My Mom is making me get off (and she's definitely not being sarcastic when she says I'll be grounded for a week if I don't get off...:p)! I'll respind to your message tomorrow. :)
    Well I started watching it just because I wanted to see Kate Gosselin (try) to dance. I honestly feels sorry for her. She just isn't that good. I think my favorite on Dancing With the Stars is Nicole and Derek. *sighs* American Idol is extremely boring this year :( My favorite is Casey James though. As soon as he's voted off (which I hope he's not), I'm done with this season :rolleyes: :p
    Hahahah! Yes TDLing should be a verb. Too many people use it! Oooo what kind of banner are you going to make?
    Yeah, I'm the same way, so I define my favorite band as being one that I can listen to at any time (no matter the musical genre I'm currently obsessed with...:p) and still enjoy. Which means my answer is between The Classic Crime (love their new album!), House of Heroes, and Relient K.

    You're welcome! :p

    Yeah, yeah, shove it in my face...rude. :p j/k
    LOL, yeah, I have entire conversations with my Mom where I'm sarcastic and she's totally sincere...funny stuff. :p

    LOL! Yeah, I'm gonna have the worst crash ever...My body is not used to all the caffeine! :p Yes! The best! Dr. Pepper and Mtn. Dew are the only Pepsi products I like...otherwise, Coke rules! :p

    *random* Do you like LOST? I'm completely obsessed with it right now...
    EDIT: Here's a difficult question someone asked on NarniaWeb...What is your favorite band (all time--not just right now. ;-))? I'm still thinking about my answer...

    LOL! You're hilarious!

    Haha! You're welcome! And thanks! :p:D

    Ha! You're welcome! :p

    Ah! Lucky! I wish there was such a thing near where I live...*sigh* The downside to living in a small town. :/ Hahahahaha! That sounds just like my Mom! She takes everything in a strictly literal sense. :p

    Indeed. :p

    Ha! You know me too well! :p I'm drinking my third now...:p
    Hahahahaha! Now, now, one must take care not to fall into bitterness...:p

    Haha! Indeed! And since I'm pretty much always laughing everyone laughs with me! Mwahahahaha! :p Your sense of humor is awesome, methinks! :D

    I agree! Its just...amazing! Ha! Yeah, I'm practically on the inside track in the music industry. :p Matt Wertz is a great singer, too...*random recommendation*. :p

    Yeah, Animal Farm is great! C.S. Lewis loved it to, coincidentally...Everything comes back to him. :p Ha! Lemme know what you think of them!

    LOL! Those pesky parents...:p

    I know its crazy, being able to read other conversations...Nope, no coffee, today. :p
    *responds to your EDIT*

    Hahahahaha! You mean I'm not the only one who does that?! :p And yeah, he was super small...It was crizazy! :p I'm super hyper...Not a clue why.
    Haha, yeah, that's a good point. I'd rather she took four years to come out with a phenomenal book than two to come out with an 'ok' book...but still. :p Ah! Woe is you! :p I bought mine...I don't use libraries as much as I probably should. :/ :p Haha! Don't fall to temptation, weary traveler! :p

    I take that as a complement (whether you're laughing at or with me. :p)! Good, it really is a blast...

    Sweet! I'm streaming the album on his website...for the third time. :p Definitely, its like his music has a million layers of...sounds (some don't even sound like instruments...more like birds chirping, and such--way awesome! :-D) Boy Lilikoi is my second favorite. #1 for me is Sinking Friendships. This stuff makes me want to look up other foreign artists...just for the "mystical" feel of an unknown language set to music...:) I have my sources...:p Actually I was just browsing NarniaWeb's music thread and someone recommended him. I have 5 or 6 different sites that I browse for new, quality music...:p

    Book recommendations (sorry if I've already told you about some...I just grabbed some off my book shelves. :p)

    The Scarlet Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
    The Man Who Was Thursday (G.K. Chesterton)
    Captains Courageous (Rudyard Kipling)
    Animal Farm (George Orwell)
    Holiness (J.C. Ryle)
    The Seventh Tower Series (Garth Nix)
    Saint (Ted Dekker)

    ^I tried to pick some from a lot of different genres...:)

    *Completely un-edited post...possibly totally unintelligible. :p
    She is genius! I just wish she didn't go (seemingly :p) years between publishing books. I really loved it! (Don't highlight the following part if you haven't already read Conspiracy) I liked that Sophos had to choose to leave his (reasonably) comfortable life with the slaves and that he wasn't just thrust into the role of hero unwillingly. He could have just stayed with the slaves and been comparatively carefree to the life he chose as Sounis. What did you think?
    Sure! But right now I'm actually about to go fishing--I will in my next post! :)

    Ack! Never been fishing? This is a travesty! An offense against mankind! :p Seriously, though, if you ever get the chance definitely go! Its a blast--whether you catch anything or not. :) I've caught a few, probably 8 or 9 over the last 3 trips. ;-)

    Sa-weet! Someone else who appreciates his genius! :-D His music has an amazing feel to it, right? What songs have you heard by him?
    Yeah! I love it! Completely agree, the world of The Queen's Thief books feels so real, and her characters are all so different (in an amazingly awesome way! :p) I actually like Attolia the best...I'd like to see more from her POV in the books.
    I know! I've spent most of spring break reading the same books! :p Thanks for the recommendations, I'll check both of them out! If you think of more feel free to lemme know! :p

    Sounds great! Yeah, a long break from school like this is just what I needed! Ah, that sounds awesome!!! Yeah, reading, driving, and fishing--that's pretty much been my routine for the week. ;):p

    Yeah I think there must be others. Just not sure which ones.:p

    Thanks! I love Abby and Ducky, David McCallum is super sweet in the role..I wish I had a grandfather like that.:D
    Can I see it when you're finished?:D

    LOL. Everybody thinks I'm nuts now.:p
    I actually didn't want to watch it at first but my friend over at LJ kept begging me to watch an episode.:p So I looked it up on YouTube and watched "Broken Bird".
    I got about 1/3 way into it and thought it was pretty good..and by the end I was hooked...and crying.:eek:

    Well, it's a combination of the plots (they're really powerful and moving) and the emotion and caring between the characters (*points to sig*;-)).

    I've seen a few other modern shows (CSI and Life On Mars) and I didn't really feel anything after watching them.
    But NCIS is a lot like an old tv show in the way the characters interact. I love it.:-D
    Thank you! Everyone else I talk to is super depressed over the change, but I am really excited. I never really loved their sound before, but if "Born Again" is an indication of where their new album is gonna go, I'm pretty psyched! :D

    Pretty awesome! I'm re-reading the Queen's Thief series (Megan Whalen Turner) b/c I'm getting the fourth book (Conspiracy of Kings) in a couple of days! Can't wait! I love the series. :D Speaking of books--I need some recommendations! :p I feel like I've been re-reading the same ones over and over for the past month. :p So what are some of your favorites that you think I'd like (if you don't mind listing a few...:p)?

    How has your Spring Break been so far? Done anything awesome? :p
    Hehe.:p Maybe a song then?:D

    I just started watching it and it's AMAZING.:D
    Hey! I've been meaning to ask you what you think of the Newsboys with Michael Tait as the lead singer? I like them a lot more, personally, but most other people I talk to seem disappointed...I do think they should probably have gone with a name change for the band, though. Their style has changed a good bit, imo. ;) What do you think?
    Idk...what are you currently into?:D

    Random question-Do you like NCIS?:p
    I love your profile picture.:p :D
    I put them up hoping to find other fans but some people have gotten interested in the shows through my pictures which is fun.:D
    Hehe,it's my favorite photo of them-they look so cute.:p
    Aw,sounds fun!:-D

    Thanks! I started out as an English major but switched after I took the first History course.:)
    I have a few ideas..I took the career help test and I came up as computers and business :)rolleyes:) but what I'm really interested in is independent film direction or antique appraisal (weird choice, I know.):p
    Still exploring options though.:)
    Hahaha ... it wasn't easy I'll tell ya that :p Because there was this one guy ... hahaha... I think I told you about him once :p

    Okay! And I'm sorry :eek: :p I'm sure you'll do great though!
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