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  • Bwhahahahah!!!!!!! That's hilarious, Beth! And I can so 'see' you doing that :p I've never had a bad experience with an alarm ... yet :p Those guards that worked at the art gallery were a real pain. One woman told me to put up my cell phone, when I was just checking the time when someone a few feet away from me was texting. I was like, uh hello? What about this woman right over there? :rolleyes:
    Hahahah! When I was in Philadelphia last year we went to some art museum (I don't even remember the name) and they had like some of the original work of Van Gogh and Picasso ... I didn't even really care. But upstairs they had this area of all medieval furniture. There were even doors from like the 1300s I wanted to touch is sooooooooo bad (nothing is in cases) but I was scared some alarm would go off. Hahaha.
    Haha! Yeah, I 'waste' far too much time doing that. :p They were indeed (dire circumstances)! :p

    Yeah! Its awesome! Ahh! That sucks! Maybe they'll put one in your area soon...:)

    I've heard of it, but never used it. Maybe I'll try it, now...;)

    Guess what!? I might get to go to a music festival called Atlanta Fest (see the list of over 40 artists here!)!!! I'm so psyched! :-D
    Yes this is a very strange conversation! Hahaha! Really? I just glanced at it and was like: Oooo Indian! :rolleyes: Like I said... over active imagination :p

    *rubs chin* This makes me think of a ballerina ... Hahahahah!!! It seriously does :p I feel like I'm at some art gallery looking at sculptures and there are people standing around you, telling you how it makes me them feel. When I'm thinking "Reeeeally??? I made something like this outta play dough in preschool" :p
    Reply to your edit: Bwhahahaha!!!!!!! That seriously is VERY scary. It looks like an old Native American man... or maybe I just have an over active imagination :p
    I would just want one that told me the truth ... gently :p

    Pebbles are technically rocks. BUT I'm a HUGE rock. A boulder! LOL! Me either. My mom just puts them in her flower bed. We do have one cool rock (a real rock... not a pebble :p) that we got when we went to the Crazy Horse monument in South Dakota. They had this whole area where you could just get a rock. :rolleyes: :p
    ooooh if you could send me at least the opened book picture that would be amazing, I love banners that look like books, though I haven't thought of one to make yet ;)
    Beth!!!!!! It's because I was/am serious!!! :p Hahahaha ... you should get one. So when you're practicing your Puss in Boots eyes in your mirror you'll have something to compare yourself to :p

    Pshhhh ... no wonder you're not convinced! That's a PEBBLE!!!!! I'm a ROCK! :p I actually have a rock almost identical to that out in our flower beds (my mom has all these "cool" rocks :rolleyes:)
    You need a friend honest to a fault???? You want one of mine? Male or female? And what age would you prefer??? I have a wide variety! :D
    I am ....... positive .... yes ... POSITIVE!!!!!!!! Make. it. stop. It's just so cute!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH.... *mutter to self* I'm a rock. I AM a rock. I. am. a. ROCK!!!!!
    All my friends are honest almost to a fault :rolleyes: But you gotta love 'em! :p I will! I can't wait! :) Yes, flawed. Hahahahahah! I use to have a poster of the Puss-in-Boots eyes. It will never work! I am a rock when it comes to puppy, er kitty-cat eyes!!!!!!! :p
    ...... *blank expression* ...... That's harsh, Beth! :p You took the words right outta my mouth, like you're one to talk! Hahah j/k Yeah I know my friends think I'm a nerd ... they tell me :p But they really don't have any room to talk :D Yup, 2 weeks. We're going to the Grand Canyon with a lot of other stops a long the way.
    You need to work on you "innocent grin" it's flawed :p
    I'm a fast reader to. Every school year I set a reading goal. This year's goal I wanted to read 36,000 pages during this school year and a couple days ago I met my goal with 36,469 :D It doesn't sound like a lot but it is and it basically shows people how I have no life :p Same here (about the road trip) We'll be gone about 2 weeks and most of the time will be spent in the car ... maybe I can make 10 books hold out :p ..... Is that a threat, Beth??? :eek: :p
    Hahahah he tried. I can think of two that didn't listen when they should have :p

    I know!!!!!! Seriously it is a crime!!! Because there's a limit I usually go to the library every 10 days. Hahaha. I book a day :rolleye: If I start reading a great book it's almost impossible for me to stop :p It's going to be killer when we leave for vacation (driving West) and I only have 10 books to occupy me! I'll definitely see what they have by C.S. Lewis next time I'm there. ;)
    You're getting a Facebook? That's pretty cool, now you can become a fan of all your favorite artists and get updates on them (That's what I spend a lot of time on FB doing...:p)! Hey! I was speed-typing! I had to get off immediately! :p

    Btw, have you ever heard of a radio station (there are lots all over the country...) called Air1? If not, you'd probably wanna check them out! They play some awesome Christian music (The Fray, Red, House Of Heroes, The Classic Crime). You can see if you have a station near you here. ;):)
    Adam was great on Idol. But now he's WAY out there. I'm sure he was already "out there" but kept his wild side kind of low key on the show. I still like his music though. Adam's actually going to be on Idol tonight, as their mentor :D

    I know, I know! It's awful! It truly is! I'm really not sure why, I never read any of his other works. I went to the library today and I was going to see what they had of his but I already had 10 books and that's their limit. :rolleyes:
    I think for me, seeing Adam Lambert preform every week had me use to seeing an actual show. This season people just seem to be standing behind microphone stands. :rolleyes:

    Hahaha! I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about :D

    That's awesome! No, sadly I haven't read anything by him except Narnia ... yeah I should probably be shot :p
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