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  • (Sorry for late reply...:p)
    Haha, yeah, I meant 4th. :p Yeah, it was good, but not quite up to the usual comedic level, imo...Did you see it?
    Hahahahahaha! Brilliant! :p

    I went to the Owl City/Deas Vail/LIGHTS concert Monday (did I tell you I was going to one?), and it was amaaaaaaaaaazing! :D The venue was really small and it made the concert way more personal...The worst seat in the house was probably closer to the stage than in a lot of other concerts (even with the best seats! Haha).
    Deas Vail was sort of hard to understand at times, and I kinda wish they had turned Wes' mic up, but it was still awesome! Deas Vail played Birds, Atlantis (my fav!), and a few others that I don't remember the names of. Then, in between Deas Vail and Lights, they played some Relient K songs through the speakers :-D. I think Lights had the best voice live, she was really amazing. She sang February Air, Drive My Soul, River, Ice, and (I think) The Listening, it seems like she sang more, but I'm not sure. Owl City was awesome, as well! Adam was more active (moving around on the stage and dancing) than DV or Lights were, which made it even more fun (plus he had two violinists with him, and they really added a lot to the music, imo). He sang The Bird And The Worm, Dental Care, Umbrella Beach, Fireflies, Meteor Shower, The Tip of The Iceberg, Vanilla Twilight, Hello Seattle, On The Wing, The Saltwater Room, and Hot Air Balloon.
    I know how that is.;)
    Awesome! What are you reading?:) I kinda fell out of reading for a couple years but I've sort of gotten back into it,by reading really old books. I'm reading Logan's Run,now,and it's really good.:D

    No,what is it?:p
    Yeah, it was pretty awesome! But it was raining so we didn't get to see/do everything :(

    *random* It's suppose to SNOW!!!!!!! Up to 8 inches!!!! Ahhhh! That's a ton for where I live. We're suppose to get ice too o_O I hope we don't lose electricity again. Last year we had a massive ice storm, it was the worst it had ever been. We were one of the lucky ones that got our power back in a week, some went a month with no electricity ... I. would. die. :rolleyes: :p
    Thanks,my friend made it.:D
    My signiture,not much else of late. You?:D
    Oh my goodness I ADORE old radio!!!:D I listen to all of those shows!:D
    I never read the mysteries but I did read all their stories. I think my favorite was Felicity or Addy haha ;)

    It sounds really good! I like it when you get both perspectives on the same story! Next time I go to the library (which will be in a few days) I'll have to check and see if they have it. Probably not though ... they never have the books that I want to read :rolleyes: :p Oh that's awesome! Did you enjoy going? I would love it! I've been to Pennsylvania a couple times but have never gone. I've been to Valley Forge though ... that was awesome!

    Haha, yeah, Arthur is sorta a jerk (he does have his good moments, though) in the first season...but in the second he gets better. :p Yeah, I can see that, its another part I like about the show...the relationships between all the different characters...;)
    Yeah,we reported her. She was just really,really nasty.:rolleyes:

    Its just about my favorite time period. I love reading biographies from WWII,especially about the Holocaust.
    I didn't know much about France in WWII either,untill I started watching the old tv show "Hogan's Heroes" and discovered Robert Clary,the actor who plays my favorite character,was a French Jew who survived the Holocaust. So I started getting really interested in France's role in the war.:)
    Definately.I had to drop a class last quarter because the teacher was bullying the other students (and quite a few others dropped with me.:p)

    Hehe,thats a pretty thought! They are really lovely.:D
    French Revolution is interesting. I mainly love their WWII history.
    First time I decided history was cool was when the Disney movie Pocahontas came out. I was only 3 I think but I loved it. Hahaha. Then when I was a bit older I got into collecting American Girl dolls and since then I've been hooked. Haha. It's sooooooo hard to pick a time era for me to read! My top 3 choices would be 1760s-1790, 1840s-1870, and 1940's. Haha. :p
    Hmmm, no I don't think so. Who's the author? What's it about? :)
    Thanks,I like to pick less common names for pets.;)
    I need to figure out how to hook up my camera to the computer,this will give me an excuse to learn.:D

    Sounds cool.I'll have to look for that book.
    Yes,I like it a lot.:D The teacher has a fun way of telling the history and he's very helpful.

    Italian! That's awesome,the little bit I've heard spoken is very beautiful.:)
    No,I took Spanish in High School but the college requires you to test out of your high school language and choose something different. The only choices were Arabic (over my head),German and French,and since I've always loved French history I want to take that.:-D
    LOL! Yeah, I'll be able to say, "I knew her from a Narnia forum when I was a teenager..." Totally believable. :p Haha, yeah I'm not a big fan of crowds of people...they make me too nervous. :p Yeah, I'm so excited! I can't wait to hear the one with Thiessen, especially...

    Haha, yeah, I agree...Merlin is more realistic than most characters like him...I think I like Arthur best of the main characters...but Gaius is a great secondary character, methinks...:D
    Yup,I'm really happy about that-and nervous,I haven't had a cat since I was 8.
    It's a girl. I can't take her home yet since she needs all her shots and stuff before they're release her but she's held for me. Her name is Solo,after the character on "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.":p

    Wow,sounds complicated but very interesting!:) Theres nothing like that at the college I go to,otherwise I'd want to take that.
    Right now,only History 1876-present day because there was so much going on. I'm planning to take French as soon as it's offered,though.:D
    Mmmm ... really I love it all. From medieval times to World War II. Anything after that is too modern for me. Haha. But when it comes to facts, I know quite a bit about the Elizabethan era and Revolutionary War era. But Civil War is what I know most ... and World War II. But I love it all. Haha. I loved the thought of Native Americans but I don't know much about them. Like how each tribe differed from the others. I could tell you about Squanto though! Hahaha :p What about you?
    Nope, I wish I did, though...I can only recognize good music...not make it. :p I have a friend who has an amazing voice, though...she's really shy about singing in front of other people, though...ME TOO! I love his new single, "Showstopper". Amazing. :p



    So, who's your fav character (on Merlin :p) so far?
    Wow sounds good..chemistry was a nightmare for me.

    My dog died today.:( Its hard but at least she didn't suffer.
    I'm going to the humane society tomorrow to pick up a kitten.

    See ya.:) *looks forward to hearing about worldview*
    Ahh! Thats awesome! That sounds like it would be a blast! My brother-in-law runs a recording studio, and its awesome...iTunes gift cards are always awesome! :p I can't wait for TobyMac's new album! Haha!

    Awesome! I'm glad you liked it!
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