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  • Haha no I really did love it. : )
    Hahah yeah acting, singing ... I KIND of dance, but I've not taken lessons since I quit ballet when I was seven. : P I quit because I saw a film with Jackie Chan in it or something and decided I wanted to be like him so I took up tae kwon do. So it KIND of helps when I have to dance because it's kind of the same thing as tkd forms, but I don't do much dancing in shows anyway. : P
    Was your camp in Ireland?! Mine was!! : )
    Cat's Cradle is a book by Kurt Vonnegut that we're adapting into a play. I'm playing Newt, who is a midget. Hahahaha it's great fun. : P
    Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter are by far the most interesting for me to watch. She's my favourite, and he's one of my favourites (though Liam Neeson trumps him out), and they're both so brilliant. They're both to be in Alice (he's the Mad Hatter, she's the Red Queen), which is directed by Tim Burton.
    Another Holy Trinity Film.
    Hahaha. That's what I call the Tim/Helena/Johnny collaborations - Holy Trinity Films, because they are my Holy Trinity. : P
    not tellin you,you'd kill.

    I imagine the twins really cute when I read the books.Like me.And WHALA,they are!Too bad we nver see charlie or bill
    Hahaha I love your rant. : )
    Yeah I love love LOVE acting. I've been in tons of shows at my community theatre, from Oliver! to a TON of Shakespeare. Plays are kind of my life. And musicals, too, haha. I did a camp this summer in which I was Anne Frank in The Diary of Anne Frank, and then the musical was Sweeney Todd, and I played Toby. : P
    At my school, though, I've been in By Jeeves, Moby Dick, The Laramie Project, Once On This Island, and now we're doing Cat's Cradle, which is exciting. : )
    Yeah, basically the way they get into their character. That's probably the only reason I follow actors' regular lives, is to see how they normally are, versus how they are in-character. I think it's quite, quite interesting. And sometimes I can get inspiration from their performances to utilise in one of mine; if I see similarities between their character and a character I'm playing, that is, of course. : P
    Hahaha good reason to watch it. ; )
    I hate icing.:p

    I am trying to decide between hermione and the twins.:p The twins are male versions of em.:p yet hermione is kinda like me as well.Everyone at church hates me because i answer too many questions
    I know!! I was so sad. : ( It bothers me when people go, "Oh, he was famous, you didn't know him, why are sad?" I'm like, "For the same reason you're sad about Michael Jackson!" I seriously had a convo that went like that with this girl at my school.
    Since I'm an actress, there are people whose careers make impacts on my life and the way I view cinema and theatre, and his was one of those, particularly Brokeback Mountain and The Dark Knight. I find that with some really talented actors - Heath Ledger, Helena Bonham Carter, Kate Winslet, Liam Neeson, and Johnny Depp to name a few - you really can learn things about how to develop yourself as an actor.
    He was such a good actor ... not to mention his attractiveness. His cheekbones ... o_O
    I have. : ) It's a bittersweet story actually. I got it Christmas 2007, and didn't get around to watching it. The day after I watched it, he died.
    I was like, stunned. It was so weird.
    But I love it. It's a good film. : )
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