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  • Thank you for praying. The last blood pressure reading I took said 129/76, which is pretty good.
    It is the unanimous decision of my committee that you are a person toward whom a favorable and affirmative opinion may lawfully be directed.
    Yep it is... No, I worked a little today but I dont start working for 2 weeks.

    Yes I read it. It was too long ago so dont really remeber
    Thank you hun..I am now a sales associate at a store called Justice(bought out Limited Too).

    Ah okay. I read it..aww...youll do fine! ;)
    Hhahaha yes
    Yes, I got a Job today!!!
    Ah okay..I understand that. I will chat laters..good luck on the essay..what book??
    Thanks dear heart..a friend made it...legolas and Will...yay!!!!!! Im in a little bit of pain and tired but doing pretty good. How about you hun?
    hello krazynarniagirl :) how are you doing? i'm glad the weather hasn't affected you too much :) the kind of puppyi have is mexican chawuuuua he's lots of work but he's worth it and everything :) have a very good week
    A crash? Nope, not when I was driving or when someone else was...:p You?
    Yeah, I was like, "What did you think I was gonna do at the stop sign? Gun it? :p"
    Thanks for the reminder about Mafia! I completely forgot! :D
    Yeah, its kinda scary on the interstate at first, but once you get the hang of it its easier than driving on the regular roads (at least, it is to me. :p). I haven't really looked at anything, but if I could have any kind I wanted (which I can't...:p), I would get a black, manual, Toyota Tacoma. I'll settle for just about any black truck, though. :p (I'd prefer a manual over an automatic, too...)
    lol, yeah, for the first few times I drove I could never keep a steady speed for more than, like, a minute. =p The first time I drove was with my mom...A few of the things she said (screamed...=p) were, "Stay on your side of the road!", "Slow down!" "Stop at the stop sign! (not kidding. she really said that. =p)". Needless to say, we were both pretty traumatized. =p It was a good while before I drove with her again. =p I'm a much better driver, now, in case you were wondering. :p
    I already know he's gonna be a twit! But i'll love him anyway.:p
    NOT THE CLOSET!:eek:
    hey,how do you make moving banners like yours?
    Thanks :p DaydreamBeliever found the avatar and my sister once found a banner like this one but I made my own version :D
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