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  • AHHHHH!!!its bad enough i cut it while sleeping!:p
    Its fun to tackle.Yes,I put all kinds of things I do in my FF.:DWe make vids of everything!CT(mostly),pureNRG,stuff.I sometimes gather up the others guys,like today when we did young love like CT.Since i like to push people,they made me Damian.:pHere's the CT version.

    IDK,other than taking over my life,brain,etc.:p
    No prob,Beth.:D I just started school yesterday so it's pretty hectic here too.*wink*

    All I read was "Julius Ceasar","Romeo & Juliet", and "Macbeth".

    Sounds cool..I'll look for it at my library.:D

    So far she likes it pretty well..not as big a fan as me,but she likes the story.:D
    When I was little we read a series together (Christian Heritage books by Nancy Rue),but we haven't read anything together since that.

    Kinda random but do you have an lj?:D I finally started mine and I'm friending everybody from here.*grin*
    I like you.:D*tackles*
    Its not mean! If i like someone,I attack.:p Besides,we do other things.Basketball,soccer(his fave) and making music videos (paranoid,I know.).

    Yeah,good thing i have CT.:p
    Ok,i'll tell you! He's one of my best friends(all my friends are guys),who I use as the human pinata.:DI beat him up alot.:DHe gets really ticked off,but he comes over every day for some dumb reason.It get annoying.:rolleyes:

    Actually,babysitting is pretty fun!I love it.:DI do it every other day.
    Thanks for the compliment on my banner in the signiture thread.:D
    Its wonderful!You take care of horses for a week,and other activities! Plus,most counselers like to break the rules.:p
    Yes,I would have kept them if I could've.
    Goodness,Shakespeare!:eek: I suddenly have a great admiration for you.:p I had to read 3 of then for school and hated them because I couldn't understand them.
    But then again,I don't read much.I read a ton when I was a kid but then stopped..I read a book once in a while now.

    I've never heard of that book!What is it about?:D
    Aw thats nice you read books to your mom.I started doing that not too long ago..I'm reading her the Twilight series.:)

    Sounds really nice!:-D
    Got one brother. :D He's on here too, only he hardly EVER comes on. His username is FallenSk8er45. But he's kinda a jerk so I wouldn't suggest talking to him... :rolleyes: :D
    LOL yeah.:rolleyes: Oh we're definately sending most of it to old desk on the other hand might end up at my grandfather's.:p

    Hehe sounds like fun!:DWhat were you reading?

    Doughnuts for second breakfast,yum!:D
    Yes,for two years.:DI'll tell you,I promise.:D
    Boo hoo for you.:(I hardly could afford it this year,I had to sell all my chocolate bars!
    Boring.:p We were having a yard sale today so we stood outside.:rolleyes:
    And now we're hauling every thing inside that didn't sell.:p
    LOL haha yeah sorry about that. I was the one who told her to have her username be Narniagirl13, anyway... :p But she's a fun person, isn't she? Very entertaining. :D
    LOL Sonny With a Chance is my favorite show. ;)
    Well,I ate suger.......:p
    I'm going to camp soon!:DHopefully I can get some sleep there(probably not..:p)
    Yes.I watched that and indiana jones.:D
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