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  • My dad fixes computers for a living.:p
    My brother pressed waaaay too many buttons and all kinds of strange things with it.
    ROTFL!:p Yeah,I figured I did,lol.*winks* And this one will be pretty long,too.:p

    Yikes,I did?????*dances* (j/k)
    No,you don't have to worry about that.They kiss,and he does spend the night in her bedroom to protect her (completely innocent),but it never goes further than that untill their marriage.*grin*
    Yes,my family had the same reason why I was never allowed to read/see HP,and I still haven't today.

    Yeah,the violence isn't really over the top,so if you're used to action,that should be no biggie.
    I dislike the language too,but its even in Christian fiction,today.*sighs* And there are a lot of great movies that have some mild language but are otherwise awesome (*cough* Superman Returns *cough*).:rolleyes:

    LOL,yeah Taylor Lautner is cute..I love darker skin,hair and eyes (cause I'm really light skinned,which bugs me),so he looks great to me.:p And he played his part perfectly,just how I'd imagined Jacob.
    The main reason I hated the movie was because it was different than the books,and it was really a horror film,which Twilight definately is not.

    Bella is annoying,and Edward is a bit spooky..I got used to him,but Bella still bugs me.*rolleyes*

    I don't want to spoil the plot by saying who Jacob gets,but I do love the way it turned out and that girl. And yes,Twilight has a very happy,perfect ending.In fact,the last chapter of Breaking Dawn is called "The Happily Ever After".:D

    There might be another book,called Midnight Sun (thats still a matter of debate,SM herself is still not saying whether shes going to release it or not,but part of it is available to read on her website,so,idk. But anyway,that book is actually a prequel to Twilight,or rather Twilight from Edward's point of veiw.So it would take place before the series.
    I hope she does a sequel to Breaking Dawn,about Jacob and "girl"'.*grin*

    Well,if you do read either The Host or Twilight,I hope you like it,but either way,I'd love to know what you think.*smile*
    I'll just have tea.

    Yeah,I get the knowlage from my daddy.:D
    It went BOOM into millions of pieces.I got some spare parts and started to put it together again.:D
    Kathleen, and you already know her so I didn't think I would have to say...darn it. XD Well, I guess she's...funny? But can sometimes get on my nerves. :rolleyes: :D Random! Def...
    LOL,I sent it..should take you a while to read it too.:p lol

    Sounds awesome.I love clean/mostly clean movies.:D

    Haha,Riley is very funny...I'm a huge history fan so it cracks me up when he always tries to tell historical info and Ben already knows it.*laughs*:p

    Yes,I read Focus's review too...I didn't agree with it,but I respect their feelings.Twilight isn't for everybody,and lots of people have problems with it (same as HP,LOTRs,Narnia,Eragon,ect.).
    I've read the series two,soon to be three,times through,and yes,there are problems.There are some [mild] profanities (annoying.*rolleyes*),and one scene in "Eclipse" that might be a little improper (nothing over the top,though). Bella & Edward do discuss sex (but they remain pure untill marriage),and its implied during their honeymoon (but not graphically,or anything..I skipped the chapter,and didn't miss a thing).
    There is violence though.To be honest,I didn't have a problem with it,but my mom is more sensative and it bothered her,so I suppose it depends on the person..basically a few evil characters die (most of the deaths are implied rather than written about,though),and there are a few less violent/scary moments.
    And,of course,the major problem people have is the "Vampire" thing..because in many stories they're evil,so the idea of good vampires bothers Focus..

    If you do read them,do start with Twilight.Its really slow at first,but it does pick up after a while,and you have to read it for the other three *good ones* to make sense.

    DON'T watch the film.*groans* Its HORRIBLE..*groans again* :p

    LOL!You really shouldn't have asked me that,now this VM will be huge.;)
    J/k I'll keep it short.*wink*
    Well,first of all,I'm not much of a Bella or Edward fan,who are obviously the main characters.I LOVE Jacob.Hes like my main reason for reading the books,lol.Hes about as awesome as a fictious character can get.:D Unfrotunately,Bella uses him mercilessly,but he ends up with a sweeter,prettier girl (doesn't want to give spoilers) so it turns out okay.:p

    Secondly,I love the writing style.Yeah,people critize SM's writing,but she got me reading again and I think shes really gifted,her descriptions are amazing! And Eclipse is like one of only 2 books to ever make me cry.*sniff*

    Third,I just like the plot.idk why,but its facinating to me,sort of a Tuck Everlasting (<3) without the sad end.*grin*

    Yeah,thats basically my top reasons.
    Anyway,if you don't want to delve into Twilight,and want something stranger but not vampireish,you could read The Host by SM.It has a couple *cough* problems,but its amazing,actually better than Twilight.

    *ends fangirl rant*:p
    *I'm going to save Twilight for the next VM because this will be huge otherwise*:p

    Its right outside India,I believe.At leats the accents pretty close.;)
    Oh,yeah,and theres a girl from Egypt.:D

    Yep,its fun.:p

    Nice..sounds interesting..I'll have to look for it next time I'm at the library..was it clean,language wise?

    Yeah,they're similiar.I like the second one better for some reason (I've seen both,but only own the second.)
    *high five*Me too! I <3 Riley.Geeks are awesome.:p
    Hi! Yes, I'll go to my home country. It's a small group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, called the Faroe Islands. Northwest of the British Isles. I'll also visit Iceland this year.
    What about you, any plans? Or just relaxation at home? Which is good as well. :)

    Good luck finishing school! :D
    LOL but I have to admit it's kinda funny.......

    Well, Franny's three and cute, Allie's five and kinda annoying, and Rachel's eight and bossy. And you already know about the other two. :rolleyes: XD
    Thanks for the compliment on my banner in the last thing thread.:D
    Two other members expressed interest in doing a sequel to "Sophia Renee" when it was new, but neither of them actually did it. With Ginny--time will tell.
    If you find you enjoy it, then when you're done, get in touch with Ginny_Jillpole; she is interested in writing a sequel, sort of like a fanfic.
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