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  • D
    No,wish I had!Just wrote to him and he signed it for me.:D But I love it because it has my name and "Love Micky".*thuds* :p

    Sounds great!:D It looks like so much fun!

    Thats good!:)

    Haha,a little of both.:p But not too hectic,just lots of papers to write.*rolleyes*
    LOL,yeah.:p Thank you!*grin*

    I have 2 of all 4 of them thats really big (takes up half my wall.:p) and a small one of Micky that he autographed to me.<3
    And I have a model of the Monkeemobile that sits on my dresser.:p

    Irish Dance?AWESOME!!!!:D I used to be obsessed with Riverdace and I still love it.*smile*

    Aw I hope your aunt gets better soon!

    Wow does sound pretty hectic!;)
    : )
    So many different kinds, so it's hard to say a genre, specifically, though I would say fantasy is my favourite.
    Harry Potter being my absolute absolute favourite thing of all time.
    Yeah ... I do a really bad job of explaining it, though ... haha.

    My aunt's name is Beth! Cool. : P Haha I'm Kathleen-Cambridge; most on here call me Katie.
    Thanks!:D Yep,RETRO!:p Technically 1960s/70s...I've got beads in my doorway,a lava lamp,a Shaun Cassidy poster,and all my Monkees stuff of course..;)
    And it's green,a fairly bright green.I love it.:D

    Aw,that bad??????
    Haha yeah ... : P
    Erm, it's about the year in the lives of group of teenagers in Germany in 1891.
    It's quite brilliant. It's based on a play by Frank Wedekind.
    Yep over the summer I've been working on it..stripping the wallpaper and painting it.:D I've always wanted to re-do my room since it's looked the same since before I was born :)rolleyes:) but never got around to it.But I'm finished now except for decorating it with my posters.:D

    Weird weekend?????
    Oh, haha yeah I figured you knew it since you commented on it in the Singature thread. : P

    Haha yeah it's a musical ... it's on Tour now, not on Broadway anymore. It's my favourite; I've seen it four times. : P Seeing it a fifth tomorrow night. Driving down all the way to DC to see it! : D I'm so obsessed, I even auditioned for it! Haha.
    Great!:D I'm working on an English paper,and I got my room all finished so I'm tacking up my posters.:p

    Yay!!!!Congrats on getting it all done!:D

    I'm glad you're back!((hugs)):D
    I'm great really. I'm like a zombie at the moment cuz I just woke up but I"m hoping this day is gonna turn out OK ;)
    Hey Beth!:D Whats up?:p

    I got "The Princess Academy" out of the library yesterday..haven't started it yet (school paper :rolleyes:) but I read the back and it looks like fun.:D
    Hi :)
    Yes, I'll be here on the Faroes for five more weeks. And you're right, we usually don't have very warm weather. But we've had nice weather for the last few days :D

    Mini-vacations are great also, and relaxing at home! ;) Have you been to some good concerts already?
    I mostly only hear the songs they play on RadioU. Actually I'm very mad because I just discovered the awesomeness of Seabird and RadioU has none in there playlists. :( *Pouts*
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