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  • why hello Bethany darling! its going good. quite busy, but good all the same :) school starts in two weeks... its weird how quickly the summer has gone by, but I think I'm ready to get back into routine. then I'll be on here more! haha. so how are you doing?
    I am pretty clumsy when it comes to lakes.Did you know Keith pushed Damian into a lake once?The pics are my album "stuff I can't get rid of":p
    Matt is adorable!I loved him,he was so much fun!
    Nice!I love irish dancing.yes,the dancer,Zara,does that alot and Keith (*giggles*) does it too.:p
    Good question.... hmm... Flower, Silver, Hope, Shaggy, Caspian, Brave, Missy, Dora, Tori, Frodo, Shadow, Smokey... And thats just the outside ones! Inside we have; Shanti(who seems to have taken to half in half out because she escapes the house so much), Rosie, Diamond, and :p and more kittens on the way!

    Thats cool, I'm considering helping out with VBS at a Church down the road. One of my much older cousins found herself in charge of it and, short handed. So I might do that.
    Yeah same here.:p

    Aw,thanks.:D I've been working on my wallpapers to improve them.:p
    Haha okay!:D
    Hiya Beth!:D
    Not much...just going off to bed.:p
    Love your new banner!:D
    Yes. :D And I'll surely tell about it, when I come back.
    Have you been on any mini-vacations, small trips, this summer?

    Too bad you couldn't go :( Better luck next year! ;)

    Yes, I've quite a lot of students. Some better than others :) But that's how it is.

    dumb birds.:rolleyes:
    I fell in the lake.And my camp instructor,Matt,was HILARIOUS!He named all the cones,barrals,and sticks.:p the sticks were Billy bob and sally sue,the barrels were bluie,bruisie,and broc...and the cones I cant remember.:phe tried a differant accent every time he talks(he cannot do irish like I can:p),and makes a joke out of everything.He was unforgettable.
    yes,Kitty lives near me.The clippers game was RADICAL!!!Enough said.
    *ears perk up* did you say irish dancing?COOL!!!
    It's fun!:D Theyre really very nice.:D
    Now I have to work up the courage to write to Davy.*thuds*:p

    English...I finished Psych..the schools on a quarter system so I take 4 sets of classes a year (1-2 each quarter depending on what's offered).There's an essay a week for English to write.:rolleyes:
    Thanks, today the weather is ok. :D In August I'll be going to Iceland. I've only been there for one day, so didn't see much. This time we'll see hot springs, warn lagoons etc. :)

    Have you been to the amusement park, where your favourite bands are going to play?

    Yes, Händel is great. I've been to many concerts. I've played his Messiah a few times, very good music. ;)
    hahaha your hilarious.
    It rocked.Everybody was considerate.Even the roosters helped by waking us up 2 hours before we were supposed to wake up.:rolleyes::p
    Plus,I got the new CT cd.And I went with Kitty to easton.And i saw the clippers game.:D
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