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  • D
    LOL!:D I know Thats why I always request wallpapers from other people.:p
    Avatars are my favorite but I like banners.:D
    I've only made a handful (only the ones in my album and 1 other one a long time ago),and I haven't made one in ages.:p They're the hardest thing for me to get a hang of,for some reason.:eek: I like working with graphics that are much smaller (icons and regular size banners) and everything else is hard for me.:p But they're fun to make,just the same.
    Oh,no prob.:p I need a lot of practice with wallpapers,so I hope it comes out okay.:p
    Yep I could use some practice with wallies.:p
    I replied to Kayla.;)
    Have fun!:D Bye,Beth,ttyl!:D
    Filters are a lot of fun..but the best thing is to duplicate your layer before trying them..Some are irreversible (something I learned the hard way.:rolleyes:),and that way you cna also fade the opacity of it after you add the filter.;)

    I get them out of Here. You can snag as much as you like.:p

    I got all of those off DeviantArt,LiveJournal,or from other people here on TDL.:D

    Haha,yeah,everybody asks me.:D

    Aw,thank you for the compliment..
    Well,what I do a lot of is coloring tutorials (you can find these on livejournal,and Nicki had a thread in the Brush of Unicorn forum a bit ago).That adds a lot to pictures,esp. ones that are already a bright color.:p

    And the soft glow effect (Filters>Soft Glow) works beautifully on close ups of eyes,or for making a banner look "dreamy".

    Basically,I just texture a ton,and play with the filters (Clothify is cool,if you make it on a duplicate of your image,and fade it to 30%,it makes it look like a painting)...
    :D thank you.((hugs untill Beth looks like :eek:)):p

    I have it set on "Invisible Mode" in my profile.:p Its easier to have it set that way for school,ect.
    You're welcome.:)
    Aww..((huggles)):D Thank you very much..noones ever told me that before.:D
    I love the Elvis silly song.:D I love on VT when they spoof singers I actually know.:p:D
    I wouldn't say times it is.

    Well,its about a alien man named the doctor,who is a time Lord.It started out with just his grandchildren as companions but later it was just people he ran into on his travels.He fights aliens and the other time lords,namingly,the master.:DBut it is pretty cool.:cool:
    ROTFL!!!:p My favorite is Ear-O-Corn.:p

    No.:-(They'll watch the first movie with me if I ask,but thats it.:rolleyes: My parents aren't not really into Narnia either..fantasy bugs them for some reason..

    I better get off now for the night.See ya later!:D
    Yay!!:D Like the "sporks".:p I was cracking up the whole show.:p
    My family isn't really into LOTRs,so they didn't find it funny.:rolleyes:
    Sure do.:p *high fives back* My favorite is "Lord of the Beans".:D:p
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