Lady of the Lion's Mane

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  • D
    LOL oh okay..thats neat.Most people think I'm nuts,lol.:p

    Yeah it's not fun..but I'm part English so I guess pale skin runs in the family.

    LOL no I never learned how to spell it.:eek: I need to work on that....Spelling was like my worst subject in school....


    Haha yeah the kissing usually doesn't bother anyone but me.I'm just not a big fan of movie kisses to begin with I guess and it doesn't help if I feel like I'm in somebody's bedroom.*rolleyes* idk.
    Yeah,when the MPAA took over,movies went downhill,imo.The Board of Review did a good job,and should have stuck with it.:cool:

    I've seen 3 R-rated films,2 for school (Mythology class) and 1 at youth group(long story).(
    They were "Troy" (which was good minus the R rated stuff)
    "Gladiator" (which was way too graphic for my tastes in violence)
    and "The Kingdom of Heaven" (which I personally couldn't get into even if it hadn't had anything R rated.)
    So,whats up?:p
    (Just checking to make sure you're okay after reading my last vm to you,I've been known to give people heart attacks when I say I love the Bee Gees.:p j/k.;))
    Thats an awesome idea!!!

    Well I've got to go now, but I think we should continue this lovely dance consversation tomorrow dont you?? :D
    Yup I'm Canadian :)

    I've always wanted to go to Chicago!! :D
    Oh that's upsetting! I hope you get it next semester!!That would be awesome!
    I'm going to a local one near my house here in Vancouver.
    Yeah and one of my teachers is doing a bunch of classes soon so...its all good :D
    You're very welcome :D

    There are no plans as of yet...but I am thinking of doing plays and stuff like that. I'm going to University in the fall so...I may have to put the dancing "career" on hold but still take classes and such :)
    Like slow songs...I'll try and find a good video and send it to you lol :)

    I'm not in a company...Im graduated from my academy in June, so I'm just taking classes in and around town :)
    Lyrical is a mix of pretty much everything and since its called lyrical - its interprets the lyrics of the song :p

    Modern/Contemporary (I only write it like that because some people call it kmodern and some call it Contemporary). Its a very different style depending on the choreographer/teacher.
    LOL I think he would be happy :D

    I've been dancing for 14 years. I have been trained primarily in classical Ballet, but I have trained in Jazz, Lyrical and Modern/Contemporary . My favourite has to be Modern/Contemp. :D
    LOL I would love too! Could I drop in on your class maybe?? :D

    I know...I'm really thinking about it now ;)
    Aww thank you! I'm glad you like it!
    And you know that I love yours too!

    The name is Josie by the way! :D
    The good always die young as the old saying goes. And really its so so so true! So sad but true.

    Awwww! Lol I hope he teaches you some day :D
    I totally agree with you! Its been such a sad ending, but now at least he isn't suffering anymore.
    He didn't deserve what pain he went through and I hope he knows that he touched so many people with his talent!
    Awwwww! I hope you take classes! If you have that type of love for it you will go far! :)

    Probably very rare, I (most likely like you) look past all the media hype and look at who he really was. Poor guy :(
    I know! I loved MJ, his music was amazing! I'm a dancer so most of our jazz classes were to his music, he practically helped me find my love of dance.

    Yeah its been like two weeks or so...its still so surreal. :(
    I LOVE Disco!I'm like the biggest fan of the Bee Gees ever.*grin*

    I'm white and I go to a college thats over 95% African American. I'm really really pale (seriously I look like a vampire :rolleyes:) so I'm kinda the brunt of racial jokes. And I was homeschooled/only kid/loner type so I'm not really used to people my own age anyway.:eek:

    I didn't deal with it to be honest..everyone at church thought I was a freak. And I never could carry on conversations since all kids talk about is movies/tv/music/cute actors and I didn't know the first thing about them.

    Really old stuff was out (like midevil era) too,lol.By old I mean 1940s-early 1960s,and occasional 1800s books.
    Most 1940s-1960s stuff is pretty safe, sex,mild violence and very little profanity (and all mild if there is any) to be honest I do still love "oldies" best....

    I don't have any siblings and my mom and grandmother co-raised me without any man around except for occasional visits from my I think part if the rules were to protect me from making the same mistakes and to be safe from questionable morality in some modern stuff (it was easier to block all than to weed through it I guess)..But
    yeah they seemed harsh when I was a kid..but they were meant kindly,so it's okay.

    My grandmothers German and she got raised on those hideous moralty tales like Stroodlepaker (kid who got burned up),so to them that was all fantasy with the exception of Narnia all fantasy/fairy tales were outlawed (when I tell people this they finally understand why I read Narnia 30 times as a kid.:p).My grandfather snuck and bought me a beautiful book of Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid though and I read it all the time..the drawings are just like the Disney films. But yeah..thats why no LOTRs or anything...I've seen them now though and love them..I'm sorta having a second childhood,lol,watching all the kid movies and reading all the children's books I never could.:p
    I was allowed to read/see/hear anything within those guidelines I did have plenty of entertainment.And it had nothing to do with sin..they just didn't think modern stuff was wholesome..and I do kinda see that..I mean people in old stuff kissed more..*cough* closed-mouthed,shall we say?And a lot of modern stuff is pretty R-rated,so,yeah....
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