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  • The trees you mention in Faleiss' biographical sketch: would they be some of the trees that "are on HER side"?
    How are you?! =D
    Sorry for the late reply..-mumbles-
    Glad to see you active again now. ^_~

    And ah, back into a Narnia obsession, are we ~ ?
    I hope that things will be less stressful for you at school. I know there's tons of drama and work in high school, not to mention huge decisions to make. Blessings to you in that whole process!

    For me, well, these past 6 months or so have been tough. I struggled a lot in my personal world and still have a lot of decisions to make. My family has to figure out what to do with finances with the messed up economy. I'm still looking at possibilities for moving and I've almost got everything with LionCon wrapped up....finally! There never seem to be enough hours in the day or enough energy. I feel bad because I haven't been on TDL as much and I haven't had the energy to really do what I'd like to on it. Hopefully people will forgive that. Real life gave me several hits of late and they required attention.

    I hope things are going well with your family too. How are your grandma and dad? *Hugs*
    Hey there, I haven't gabbed with you in ages....but I wanted to send you a profile-by-hugging. I hope things are going well in your world!

    Hi Lila!!Just stopped by to wish you a belated Merry Christmas!!:D
    Pardon the intrusion--but seeing that many other TDL members will publicize things they write, I am going to try likewise to attract readers to my story in progress in the Writing Club. Set in China and the Indian Ocean about a thousand years ago, it is titled "Flying Girl and Iron Merchant."
    I am now writing my first new piece of straightfaced fiction in quite a while. This, in response to a request from Dayhawk for people to write fairytales. My novelette is titled "Flying Girl and Iron Merchant."
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