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  • Haha, awesome! Glad I could help :D XD. Well, I haven't actually listened to their music yet sadly... I've just read about it. I think it's like a Scottish rock band. I guess I'll have to youtube it also, lol :D
    haha so does everywhere else to an american... sunny and gorgeous? well... hate to break it to you... but only a tiny sliver of the USA is "sunny and gorgeous" (Southern California area) and even then... its not always gorgeous :p
    personally, i think its MUCH more beautiful here in Oregon with our huge Redwoods, various other foresty firs and pines, and ferns, groundcover, mosses... :D... though not... "sunny" :p lol
    haha well you prolly would enjoy a visit, and yes, you are welcome here :D
    hmm... i dont know who he is...
    jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade Sam and Panda have completely split up Sam is kicked out the band and they are both ignoring each other please come online...
    ah interesting... insanity is... insane! :O :p
    yah just gotta give yourself one and introduce yourself as such to people
    lol well... im planning on moving out of the country (prolly to japan) to teach english :p... ya know... but perhaps we can visit when i come back to visit haha :)
    haha there are so many streets here! and, since you are from out of the country, you probably have an idealistic view of how awsome it would be to live in new york (where ive never been) or california (really not as great as it seems) :p
    no its ok
    yh pretty much or we'll start talkin about soemething really weird and random XD
    GRRRR soemone is reading over me shoulder
    so I just kinda ignore it...
    I'm really anpoyed at other stuff whoch i shall you in pe..... anything u need to tell me in pe?
    I dont wann be harsh though i mean he sent me:
    "hey sammy wammy how are you doing x"
    I said "fine thankyou you?"
    he said "glad your okay :D I'm washing up got my top wet though..."
    I didnt reply as i logged out
    he youtubed me then I answered
    Sam saw the yh totally i get so distracted by ur beauty harry and was like: "he's a pretty handsome guy" so i was like it was sarcastic i didnt mean it ur still number one.... then i changed the subject completely...................... :/
    ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :/ <------ that kinda sums it up...
    as it kinda looks like ur really close as in friends but then other times it looks different.... :/
    pe will be the place to discuss soem of the things
    i'll explain my confusion ect ect
    how is things with u? like the cake is the best situation?
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