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  • That's ok, that song made me cry before too. :) It's very emotional, since Faramir is riding off to his probable death, and Denethor is sitting there eating food not caring. It's sad... But Billy has such a nice voice, I love that song. :)

    Yep, he's Charlie Pace :D That's what made me watch lost in the first place, but now I really likeit, and not just because of him. It's a great show. I'm watching it on Youtube though since it's over with.
    Ahhhhhh RODGER!
    Why/how would I show you up?!?
    What is all the I wish thread post about??

    And you eat the legs...
    Ur the one that wants nat there so there...
    So eat them jade
    u eat them
    eat up
    yum yum pigs bum ect...
    (why are we discussing this?)
    I reckon we'll just mooch about its supposed to be the hottest day yet tomorrow so the shorts are coming out...
    Kays is kk tho i guess

    SELFISH?!? I am no canibal
    U EAT THEM >:}
    It was good I would say something then it would remind me of an injoke I have with you...
    Bottelinos was greeeat!

    I'm not going near ryans spindily legs... Sam is gonna be very anoyed but Sam invited kays who would obviously invite Panda... Panda doesnt hate sam btw... I asked kayleigh wayleigh :) I dont know whether to go to selinas party...
    that was with briony...
    Jade and Sammy time XD love it :)
    Ummm Holly Jazz busy... Nat's wiv jambo and ryan grrrrrr
    p.s Charlie is so cool like hates twilight :D
    ummm what photos today it was only me and kays...
    anyways sunday we have: Kayleigh, Panda, Sam, Beth, Jake dunno bout anyone else samuel's organising the rest we're meeting them at 12:30 so 10:00 till 12:25 it'll just be u and me :D
    Oh, one more thing. Since you're a Dom fan also, have you ever watched the TV show LOST? (he plays Charlie) :) Or are you just a fan of Merry?
    Many years ago, there was a comicbook hero called Ironwolf. I called myself Copperfox as a "more modest" equivalent.
    Oh yeah, Pippin says some funny stuff! :p I should have thought of some of those, they're some of my favorites too. I guess I was just trying to think of only Frodo ones and was forgetting about those, lol.

    Hmm, so those are definitely some of my favorites, and then...

    Merry: "I think I've broken something!" *pulls out broken carrot*


    Merry: "Your'e supposed to stick it in the ground!"
    Pippin: "It is in the ground!"
    Merry: "Outside!"
    Pippin: "It was your idea! *screams*"

    and umm... oh I really like this one. It's not funny, but it's really sad, and good.

    Treebeard : "You are young and brave, Master Merry. But your part in this tale is over. Go back to your home."
    Pippin : "Maybe Treebeard's right. We don’t belong here, Merry. It's too big for us. What can we do in the end ? We've got the Shire. Maybe we should go home."
    Merry : "The fires of Isengard will spread. And the woods of Tuckborough and Buckland will burn. And all that was once green and good in this world will be gone. There won't be a Shire, Pippin."

    Idk, I just like that part... it's sad. lol
    The Silmarillion is by far one of Tolkien's greatest works. For some it is challenge to read, but it wasn't for me. I delighted in every second I spent reading it. It adds such a profound prespective to Tolkien's World as whole, it will change how you view Middle Earth, and even enrich LOTR. :)
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