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  • Yes indeed, The Children of Hurin is facinating yet tragic tale. It helps to have read The Silmarillion in advance, so that you can grasp the events and how they fit into the holistic or whole picture of The Elder Days. :)
    Frankly I think reading such a masterpiece in short period doesn't do it justice. You arn't able to savor each moment, you don't get a prolonged journey, you get microwaved one. Instead of weeks or months of enjoyment, you merely get days. But alas to each his own, I suppose I just wanted to look at it a different way. :D

    I was re-reading the Hobbit not too long ago, but now I'm reading The Children of Hurin. :)
    Thou should not be feared of being judged here. The fact that you hath read them at all is no small feat, though the LOTR is a masterpiece, it isn't nessarily easy to read. It's lengthy tale, that you must begin only if thou are ready, if you have the fire, the Light of Earendil within you to guide you and keep you steady upon the path.

    It took me quite a while to read LOTR, but I loved every second of it! I marvel at how some fans can read the mamoth work in two days! :D
    lol, I love to just stare at pictures of Elijah too... stare into his eyes... LOL. :p
    He's actually one inch taller than me. I used to be tall, but then I guess I stopped growing and everyone started passing me up, haha :D

    Hmm, now THAT is hard! There's so many good quotes... hmm... can I think on that one a little bit? XD. :p What's yours?
    There is no place like TDL, not even LOTR forums house such a host of genial and wonderful people. Here you shall satisfy your appettite for all things Middle Earth. For here you have community of die hard Tolkien fans. :)
    I glad to see another Ringer, another obessed LOTR fan. Though TDL maybe a Narnia fan site, it is not strictly inhabited by Narnians, nay Ardaians and those loyal to Middle Earth dwell here also, as thou hast already learned. :)
    Wow, we definitely are alot alike! Yay for Frodo and Merry! :D and haha, I do that too... all the time. :p I'm doing good, how about you?
    Lol your loyality and devotion to the Evenstar is pleasing. I welcome you to the Arwenites and award thee with the title of Edain (which means elf friend). :
    Hi, I wanted to welcome you to the forum also. :) My name's Julie. I love your username :p You sound alot like me... I'm 17 and LOTR crazy... my favorites are Frodo and then Merry. (Elijah Wood and Dom Monaghan)
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