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  • :D I just googled Narnia Forum, and found it! It seems to be very good so far, so I think I'll stick around as much as possible! :D
    Ahoy there Mrs Gil-Galad Took! I just have one little question: Are you a member of Zelda Dungeon's Forum Community?! For you have similar avatar and interests as Bigelover88 on ZD.

    I was just wondering since I'm a Zelda Dungeoner (as well). :D
    Aye, while Sauron did reign longer his power was but shadow, a shade of his master's. I liked how a fan put it: "While Sauron poured his power and essence into a object, a ring, Morgoth poured his power into his creations, Morgoth's Ring was the world." :)
    I disagree that Sauron was greater than Morgoth, for it twas Morgoth that defied Eru, that sought worship and that created the abominations: orcs, belrogs, fire drakes, and etc. Sauron did indeed do great evil, especially in Numenor. However, Morgoth in my opinion is the greater dark lord, for he sought to replace the Creator (Sauron attempted, but lacked the powers.)

    I think Morgoth's return to Arda paralles Revelation in the Bible, when Satan is to be released upon the world after a millenium. Morgoth likely is to ravage and attempt to lead astray/tempt the Children of Eru before the final judgement. :)
    According to the Dagor Dagorath, in the final days of Middle Earth (roughly 5th Age) Morgoth is to be released from the Void and the fate of Silmarils finally revealed. Is it concievable that Sauron might be released to?
    Did thou notice upon his destruction that a funnel or vortex was created in clouds, it appeared to be pulling his eye upward. Prehaps this was symbolic of him being pulled into the Void!
    I concur, for Sauron hast been slain several times. Most notably when Eru destroyed Numenor. He is not flesh, not one of Hildor or Eldar that must pass into Valinor or the arms of Eru. He is a spirit, and thus he cannot be completely destroyed, and therefore I believe he now dwells with his master Melkor.
    What doth thou think happened to Sauron when the Ring wast caste into the crack of doom? Was he utterly destroyed or simply taken to the Void where Morgoth lies?
    Huzzah! For victory is ours! The Lord of the Dark and his pawn Sauron shall not prevail! We march upon Mordor and call to the captives, arise and fight Men of the West! :)
    I call upon Eru, the Valar, and the Maiar to aid us in our quest! For if the Illuvatar be with us, who can stand against us? No foe, no nerfarious shadows can withstand the power of the Creator! :)
    Lol aye! We shall set them free from the shadows and take them back to Valinor. Gorthaur hast decieved them with other realms, he has led them astray and it is our duty to bring them back to the correct path. :D
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